Exact Match:
- taxonomy
- practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships
- (biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification
- a classification of organisms into groups based on similarities of structure or origin etc
- aerobiology,
- agrobiology,
- analysis,
- anatomy,
- animal physiology,
- anthropology,
- antonomasia,
- arrangement,
- assortment,
- astrobiology,
- bacteriology,
- binomial nomenclature,
- biochemics,
- biochemistry,
- biochemy,
- bioecology,
- biological science,
- biology,
- biometrics,
- biometry,
- bionics,
- bionomics,
- biophysics,
- biosystematics,
- biosystematy,
- botany,
- cataloging,
- categorization,
- cell physiology,
- class,
- classification,
- codification,
- comparative anatomy,
- conchology,
- cryobiology,
- culling,
- cybernetics,
- cytology,
- division,
- ecology,
- electrobiology,
- embryology,
- entomology,
- enzymology,
- ethnobiology,
- ethology,
- exobiology,
- family,
- filing,
- genetics,
- genus,
- glossology,
- gnotobiotics,
- gradation,
- grading,
- grouping,
- helminthology,
- herpetology,
- ichthyology,
- indexing,
- kingdom,
- life science,
- malacology,
- mammalogy,
- microbiology,
- molecular biology,
- nomenclature,
- onomastics,
- onomatology,
- order,
- orismology,
- ornithology,
- pharmacology,
- phylum,
- physiology,
- pigeonholing,
- place-names,
- place-naming,
- placement,
- polyonymy,
- protozoology,
- radiobiology,
- ranging,
- ranking,
- rating,
- screening,
- selection,
- sifting,
- sorting,
- sorting out,
- species,
- stratification,
- subdivision,
- subordination,
- systematics,
- tabulation,
- taxidermy,
- terminology,
- toponymy,
- triage,
- trinomialism,
- typology,
- virology,
- xenobiology,
- zoogeography,
- zoography,
- zoology,
- zoonomy,
- zoopathology,
- zoophysics,
- zootaxy,
- zootomy