- abandon,
- abjure,
- blow,
- blunder away,
- boot out,
- bounce,
- brush aside,
- cashier,
- cast,
- cast aside,
- cast away,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- chuck,
- chuck out,
- consume,
- contemn,
- contradict,
- declaim,
- decline,
- deep-six,
- defenestrate,
- deny,
- despise,
- detrude,
- disapprove,
- discard,
- discharge,
- disclaim,
- discount,
- disdain,
- dismiss,
- disown,
- dispel,
- dispose of,
- disregard,
- dissipate,
- ditch,
- do away with,
- dump,
- eighty-six,
- eject,
- eliminate,
- except,
- exclude,
- expel,
- exterminate,
- extrude,
- fling off,
- fool away,
- forswear,
- fritter,
- gamble away,
- get quit of,
- get rid of,
- get shut of,
- give away,
- give the hook,
- go through,
- grimace,
- ham,
- ham it up,
- hang the expense,
- heave out,
- ignore,
- jettison,
- jilt,
- junk,
- kick downstairs,
- kick out,
- lavish,
- liquidate,
- mug,
- obtrude,
- oust,
- out-herod Herod,
- overact,
- overdramatize,
- part with,
- pass by,
- pass up,
- purge,
- push aside,
- put out,
- rant,
- rebuff,
- recant,
- refuse,
- refuse to consider,
- reject,
- remove,
- renounce,
- repel,
- repudiate,
- repulse,
- roar,
- run through,
- scatter,
- scout,
- scrap,
- seize the day,
- shake off,
- shed,
- shoo,
- shove away,
- slather,
- slough,
- sow broadcast,
- spout,
- spurn,
- squander,
- throw money around,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- throw over,
- throw overboard,
- thrust out,
- toss out,
- toss overboard,
- trifle away,
- turn away,
- turn out,
- underact,
- waive