Exact Match:
- tingle
- cause a stinging or tingling sensation
- ache,
- agonize,
- ail,
- anguish,
- bang,
- blanch,
- blench,
- boot,
- burn,
- burning,
- burning pain,
- change ringing,
- charge,
- chime,
- chiming,
- chink,
- clang,
- clanging,
- clangor,
- clank,
- clanking,
- clink,
- ding,
- ding-a-ling,
- dingdong,
- dinging,
- dingle,
- dong,
- donging,
- feel pain,
- feel the pangs,
- fidget,
- fire,
- flip out,
- flush,
- flutter,
- freak out on,
- get high on,
- glow,
- go pitapat,
- gong,
- grimace,
- have a misery,
- have the fidgets,
- have the shakes,
- heave,
- hurt,
- itch,
- jangle,
- jerk,
- jingle,
- jingle-jangle,
- jinglejangle,
- jingling,
- jollies,
- kick,
- knell,
- knelling,
- lift,
- palpitate,
- pant,
- peal,
- peal ringing,
- pealing,
- plink,
- pound,
- prick,
- prickle,
- quake,
- quaver,
- quiver,
- ring,
- ring changes,
- ringing,
- rush,
- rush of emotion,
- scratch,
- sensation,
- shake,
- shiver,
- shoot,
- shrink,
- shudder,
- smart,
- smarting,
- sound,
- sound a knell,
- squirm,
- sting,
- stinging,
- suffer,
- surge of emotion,
- swell,
- swell with emotion,
- thrill,
- thrill to,
- throb,
- ting,
- ting-a-ling,
- tingle with excitement,
- tingling,
- tink,
- tinkle,
- tinkling,
- tinnitus,
- tintinnabulate,
- titillation,
- toll,
- tolling,
- toss,
- toss and turn,
- tremble,
- tremor,
- tremor of excitement,
- tumble,
- turn on to,
- twinge,
- twist and turn,
- twitch,
- twitter,
- urtication,
- wiggle,
- wince,
- wriggle,
- writhe