Exact Match:
- tire
- hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"
- exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"
- get tired of something or somebody
- annoy,
- apparel,
- array,
- attire,
- balloon tire,
- be infinitely repetitive,
- be tedious,
- beat,
- bedeck,
- bedrape,
- belted bias tire,
- belted radial tire,
- bias tire,
- blow,
- bore,
- bother,
- break down,
- bundle up,
- burden,
- burn out,
- clothe,
- collapse,
- crack up,
- crush one,
- debilitate,
- deck,
- dight,
- disgust,
- do in,
- do up,
- drag on,
- drain,
- drape,
- dress,
- droop,
- drop,
- dud,
- enclothe,
- endue,
- enervate,
- enfeeble,
- ennui,
- enrobe,
- enshroud,
- envelop,
- enwrap,
- exasperate,
- exhaust,
- exhaustion,
- fag,
- fag out,
- faint,
- fatigue,
- felly,
- flag,
- frazzle,
- garb,
- garment,
- gasp,
- get tired,
- give out,
- glut,
- go on forever,
- grow weary,
- habilitate,
- harass,
- haunt,
- haunt the memory,
- invest,
- irk,
- irritate,
- jade,
- knock out,
- knock up,
- lap,
- lassitude,
- muffle up,
- nauseate,
- nonskid tire,
- obsess,
- oppress,
- overfatigue,
- overstrain,
- overtire,
- overweary,
- pall,
- pant,
- peter out,
- play out,
- pneumatic tire,
- poop,
- poop out,
- prey on,
- prostrate,
- prostration,
- puff,
- puff and blow,
- radial tire,
- rag out,
- raiment,
- retread,
- retreaded tire,
- rim,
- robe,
- run down,
- run out,
- safety tire,
- sap,
- satiate,
- sheathe,
- shroud,
- sicken,
- sink,
- snow tire,
- studded tire,
- succumb,
- swaddle,
- swathe,
- tire out,
- tire to death,
- tiredness,
- tubeless tire,
- tucker,
- use up,
- weaken,
- wear,
- wear down,
- wear on,
- wear out,
- wear upon one,
- weariness,
- weary,
- weigh upon,
- weight down,
- wheeze,
- white sidewall tire,
- wilt,
- wind,
- winter tire,
- worn-out,
- wrap,
- wrap up