(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"; "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"
any of a series of musical tones whose frequencies are integral multiples of the frequency of a fundamental
a tone that is a component of a complex sound
relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body; "sympathetic vibration"
of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm; "subtleties of harmonic change and tonality"- Ralph Hill
of or relating to the branch of acoustics that studies the composition of musical sounds; "the sound of the resonating cavity cannot be the only determinant of the harmonic response"
a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the board according to the throw of a die
exclusive control or possession of something; "They have no monopoly on intelligence"
(economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller; "a monopoly on silver"; "when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like"