Exact Match:
- trim
- cutting down to the desired size or shape
- attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation
- a state of arrangement or appearance; "in good trim"
- adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used
- decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
- decorate, as with ornaments; "trim the christmas tree"; "trim a shop window"
- be in equilibrium during a flight; "The airplane trimmed"
- balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces; "trim an airplane"
- Attic,
- Ciceronian,
- abbreviate,
- ability,
- abridge,
- abstain,
- abstract,
- adjoin,
- adjunct,
- adjustment,
- adorn,
- adornment,
- affix,
- all ataunto,
- anal,
- anchor,
- annex,
- apoise,
- apparel,
- arrange,
- arrangement,
- array,
- ataunt,
- athletic,
- attach,
- attire,
- bad condition,
- ballast,
- barber,
- be a timeserver,
- beat,
- beat all hollow,
- beat down,
- beat hollow,
- beautify,
- bedeck,
- bedizen,
- bedizenment,
- befringe,
- belay,
- best,
- bind,
- blazon,
- bob,
- boil down,
- border,
- bound,
- braw,
- break,
- break bulk,
- break out ballast,
- bungup and bilge-free,
- call down,
- capability,
- caparison,
- capsulize,
- cement,
- chaste,
- cheapen,
- chic,
- chipper,
- cinch,
- clamp,
- classic,
- classy,
- clean,
- clean up,
- clean-cut,
- clean-limbed,
- clear,
- clear for action,
- clear the decks,
- clear up,
- clinch,
- clip,
- clobber,
- clothes,
- clothes-conscious,
- clothing,
- coif,
- coiffure,
- color,
- color patterns,
- come down on,
- comely,
- commission,
- compact,
- competence,
- competency,
- compress,
- condense,
- condition,
- conk,
- contract,
- cop out,
- cosmopolitan,
- costume,
- cramp,
- crank,
- crank in,
- crisp,
- crop,
- cure,
- curtail,
- cut,
- cut back,
- cut down,
- cut off short,
- cut prices,
- cut short,
- dandify,
- dapper,
- dashing,
- deck,
- deck out,
- decline,
- decor,
- decorate,
- decoration,
- defeat,
- deflate,
- deploy,
- depreciate,
- destroy,
- devaluate,
- dinky,
- direct,
- dive,
- dizen,
- do in,
- dock,
- doll up,
- drapery,
- draw in,
- draw taut,
- dress,
- dress down,
- dress up,
- dressed to advantage,
- dressing,
- drub,
- duck the issue,
- duds,
- easy,
- edge,
- edging,
- elaboration,
- elegant,
- elide,
- embellish,
- embellishment,
- emblazon,
- emblazonment,
- emblazonry,
- embroider,
- embroidery,
- enframe,
- engraft,
- enrich,
- epitomize,
- evade,
- evade the issue,
- exquisite,
- fall,
- fall in price,
- fashion,
- fasten,
- fatigues,
- feathers,
- fettle,
- fig,
- fig out,
- finished,
- fit,
- fitness,
- fittedness,
- fix,
- fix up,
- flax,
- flourish,
- flower arrangement,
- foreshorten,
- form,
- frame,
- frill,
- fringe,
- furbish,
- furniture arrangement,
- garb,
- garments,
- garnish,
- garnishment,
- garniture,
- gear,
- genteel,
- get ready,
- give a dressing-down,
- give it to,
- give way,
- good condition,
- grace,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- graft,
- grapple,
- groom,
- guise,
- gussy up,
- habiliment,
- habit,
- health,
- hem,
- hide,
- hors de combat,
- illumination,
- in trim,
- investiture,
- investment,
- jaunty,
- jew down,
- jump all over,
- jump on,
- kilter,
- knit,
- lambaste,
- lap,
- larrup,
- lather,
- leather,
- lick,
- limpid,
- line,
- linen,
- list,
- lower,
- lucid,
- make arrangements,
- make fast,
- make preparations,
- make ready,
- march,
- marge,
- margin,
- marginate,
- mark down,
- marshal,
- mastery,
- maturity,
- mobilize,
- moor,
- mow,
- natty,
- natural,
- neat,
- neaten,
- nifty,
- nip,
- nobby,
- nose-dive,
- order,
- orderly,
- ornament,
- ornamentation,
- outclass,
- outdo,
- outfight,
- outgeneral,
- outmaneuver,
- outpoint,
- outrun,
- outsail,
- outshine,
- paddle,
- paint,
- pare,
- pellucid,
- perspicuous,
- piping,
- plain,
- plan,
- plummet,
- plunge,
- police,
- police up,
- polished,
- poll,
- pollard,
- pompadour,
- posh,
- prank,
- prank up,
- prearrange,
- preen,
- prep,
- prepare,
- preparedness,
- pretreat,
- prettify,
- primp,
- primp up,
- prink,
- prink up,
- process,
- proficiency,
- provide,
- prune,
- pull in,
- pure,
- purfle,
- purl,
- put,
- put in shape,
- put in trim,
- put to,
- qualification,
- rags,
- raiment,
- readiness,
- ready,
- ready up,
- reap,
- recap,
- recapitulate,
- recherche,
- redecorate,
- redo,
- reduce,
- reel,
- reel in,
- refined,
- refurbish,
- repair,
- restrained,
- retrench,
- rickrack,
- rim,
- ripeness,
- ritzy,
- robes,
- round,
- ruin,
- sag,
- screw up,
- seasoning,
- secure,
- set,
- set off,
- set out,
- set to,
- settle,
- settle preliminaries,
- shape,
- shapely,
- sharp,
- shave,
- shear,
- shellac,
- shift ballast,
- shingle,
- shipshape,
- shoot ballast,
- shorten,
- side,
- simple,
- sit it out,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- skirt,
- skive,
- slash,
- sleek,
- slender,
- slick,
- slim,
- slump,
- smart,
- smarten,
- smarten up,
- smear,
- smother,
- smug,
- snazzy,
- snip,
- snub,
- snug,
- soigne,
- soignee,
- sophisticated,
- speak to,
- spick and span,
- spick-and-span,
- spiffy,
- sportswear,
- spruce,
- spruce up,
- stand neuter,
- state,
- statuesque,
- straddle,
- straighten up,
- straightforward,
- streamlined,
- stunt,
- style,
- style-conscious,
- suitability,
- suitableness,
- suitedness,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- swank,
- swanky,
- swell,
- symmetrical,
- synopsize,
- tackle,
- take in,
- talk to,
- tan,
- tasteful,
- taut,
- tauten,
- telescope,
- tell off,
- tempering,
- temporize,
- terse,
- thrash,
- threads,
- tidy,
- tidy up,
- tight,
- tighten,
- titivate,
- togs,
- toilette,
- treat,
- trice up,
- trick out,
- trick up,
- tricksy,
- trig,
- trig up,
- trim ship,
- trim up,
- trimming,
- triumph over,
- trounce,
- truncate,
- try out,
- unaffected,
- uncluttered,
- undo,
- unlabored,
- verge,
- vestment,
- vesture,
- wallop,
- wave,
- wear,
- wearing apparel,
- well-cared-for,
- well-dressed,
- well-favored,
- well-formed,
- well-groomed,
- well-made,
- well-ordered,
- well-proportioned,
- well-shaped,
- welt,
- whack,
- whale,
- whip,
- winch,
- wind in,
- windlass,
- window dressing,
- wing out ballast,
- worst