Exact Match:
- unproductive
- not producing desired results; "the talks between labor and management were unproductive"
- not producing or capable of producing; "elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries"
- abortive,
- acarpous,
- arid,
- barren,
- bootless,
- celibate,
- childless,
- desert,
- desolate,
- drained,
- dried-up,
- dry,
- exhausted,
- fallow,
- fruitless,
- gainless,
- gaunt,
- gelded,
- impotent,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- infecund,
- infertile,
- issueless,
- jejune,
- leached,
- menopausal,
- nonfertile,
- nonproducing,
- nonproductive,
- nonprolific,
- nonremunerative,
- otiose,
- profitless,
- rewardless,
- sine prole,
- sterile,
- sucked dry,
- teemless,
- unavailable,
- unavailing,
- uncultivated,
- unfertile,
- unfruitful,
- unplowed,
- unprofitable,
- unprolific,
- unremunerative,
- unrewarding,
- unsown,
- untilled,
- useless,
- vain,
- virgin,
- waste,
- wasted,
- without issue