Exact Match:
- unreality
- the quality possessed by something that is unreal
- the state of being insubstantial or imaginary; not existing objectively or in fact
- Prospero,
- absence,
- airiness,
- appearance,
- autism,
- autistic thinking,
- bodilessness,
- delusiveness,
- deprivation,
- dereism,
- dereistic thinking,
- dreamery,
- emptiness,
- ethereality,
- fallaciousness,
- false appearance,
- false light,
- false show,
- falseness,
- flight of fancy,
- flimsiness,
- ideal,
- idealism,
- ideality,
- idealization,
- illusionism,
- illusionist,
- illusiveness,
- imaginative exercise,
- immateriality,
- impalpability,
- imponderability,
- impracticality,
- incorporeality,
- insubstantiality,
- intangibility,
- magic,
- magic act,
- magic show,
- magician,
- mistiness,
- negation,
- negativeness,
- negativity,
- nihility,
- nonbeing,
- nonentity,
- nonexistence,
- nonoccurrence,
- nonreality,
- nonsubsistence,
- not-being,
- nothingness,
- nullity,
- play of fancy,
- prestidigitation,
- quixotism,
- quixotry,
- romance,
- romanticism,
- seeming,
- semblance,
- show,
- simulacrum,
- sleight of hand,
- sorcerer,
- sorcery,
- specious appearance,
- subtility,
- subtlety,
- tenuity,
- tenuousness,
- unactuality,
- unconcreteness,
- unpracticalness,
- unrealism,
- unsolidity,
- unsubstantiality,
- unsubstantialness,
- utopianism,
- vacancy,
- vacuity,
- vacuum,
- vagueness,
- visionariness,
- void,
- wish fulfillment,
- wish-fulfillment fantasy,
- wishful thinking