Exact Match:
- weak
- deficient in intelligence or mental power; "a weak mind"
- likely to fail under stress or pressure; "the weak link in the chain"
- not having authority, political strength, or governing power; "a weak president"
- (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
- deficient or lacking in some skill; "he's weak in spelling"
- having little physical or spiritual strength; "a weak link"
- tending downward in price; "a weak market for oil stocks"
- Adamic,
- Adamite,
- Adamitic,
- abulic,
- accented,
- accessible,
- achromatic,
- achromic,
- afraid,
- airy,
- alveolar,
- amenable,
- anemic,
- anile,
- anthropocentric,
- anthropological,
- apical,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- articulated,
- ashen,
- ashy,
- assailable,
- assimilated,
- asthenic,
- attackable,
- attenuate,
- attenuated,
- back,
- backsliding,
- barely audible,
- barytone,
- beatable,
- bilabial,
- blear,
- bleared,
- bleary,
- bled white,
- bloodless,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- boyish,
- broad,
- bungling,
- cacuminal,
- cadaverous,
- careless,
- carnal,
- central,
- cerebral,
- checked,
- chicken,
- chickenhearted,
- chloranemic,
- close,
- colorless,
- confused,
- conquerable,
- consonant,
- consonantal,
- continuant,
- coward,
- cowardly,
- cowed,
- crabbed,
- dark,
- daunted,
- dead,
- deadly pale,
- deathly pale,
- debilitated,
- decrepit,
- decrescendo,
- delicate,
- dental,
- diaphanous,
- dickey,
- dilute,
- diluted,
- dim,
- dimmed,
- dingy,
- discolored,
- dismayed,
- dissimilated,
- distant,
- doddered,
- doddering,
- doddery,
- dorsal,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- dull,
- earthy,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- effete,
- emasculate,
- enervated,
- enfeebled,
- erring,
- ethereal,
- etiolated,
- expugnable,
- exsanguinated,
- exsanguine,
- exsanguineous,
- fade,
- faded,
- fagged,
- faint,
- faint-voiced,
- fainthearted,
- fainting,
- faintish,
- fallen,
- fallow,
- fatigued,
- fearful,
- featherweight,
- feeble,
- feebleminded,
- feeling faint,
- filmy,
- fine,
- fine-drawn,
- finespun,
- finite,
- flabby,
- flaccid,
- flagging,
- flat,
- flavorless,
- fleshly,
- flimsy,
- floppy,
- fluctuant,
- foggy,
- footsore,
- forceless,
- fossilized,
- fragile,
- frail,
- frazzled,
- front,
- funking,
- funky,
- fuzzy,
- gauzy,
- gentle,
- gerontal,
- gerontic,
- ghastly,
- girlish,
- glide,
- glossal,
- glottal,
- gone,
- good and tired,
- gossamer,
- gracile,
- gray,
- gruelly,
- gutless,
- guttural,
- haggard,
- half-heard,
- half-seen,
- half-visible,
- hard,
- hazy,
- heavy,
- henhearted,
- hesitant,
- high,
- hominal,
- homocentric,
- hueless,
- human,
- humanistic,
- hypochromic,
- ill-defined,
- imbecile,
- impotent,
- imprecise,
- impressionable,
- improbable,
- impure,
- inadequate,
- inane,
- incompetent,
- inconceivable,
- inconclusive,
- inconspicuous,
- incredible,
- indefinite,
- indifferent,
- indistinct,
- indistinguishable,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- inefficacious,
- inept,
- infirm,
- influenceable,
- insecure,
- insipid,
- insubstantial,
- intimidated,
- intonated,
- invertebrate,
- irresolute,
- jaded,
- jejune,
- labial,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- lackluster,
- lacy,
- languid,
- languorous,
- lapsed,
- lax,
- leaden,
- lenient,
- light,
- lightweight,
- lily-livered,
- limber,
- limp,
- lingual,
- liquid,
- listless,
- livid,
- loose,
- low,
- low-profile,
- lurid,
- lusterless,
- lustless,
- malleable,
- man-centered,
- marrowless,
- mat,
- mealy,
- merely glimpsed,
- mid,
- mild,
- milk-and-water,
- milk-livered,
- milksoppish,
- milksoppy,
- misty,
- monophthongal,
- mortal,
- mossbacked,
- moth-eaten,
- mousy,
- movable,
- muddy,
- mummylike,
- murmured,
- muted,
- narrow,
- nasal,
- nasalized,
- negligent,
- nerveless,
- neutral,
- no-account,
- obscure,
- occlusive,
- of easy virtue,
- of no account,
- only human,
- open,
- open-minded,
- out of focus,
- overindulgent,
- overpermissive,
- overtimid,
- overtimorous,
- oxytone,
- palatal,
- palatalized,
- pale,
- pale as death,
- pale-faced,
- pallid,
- palsied,
- panic-prone,
- panicky,
- papery,
- papery-skinned,
- pappy,
- pasty,
- peccable,
- penetrable,
- permissive,
- persuadable,
- persuasible,
- pervious,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealized,
- phonemic,
- phonetic,
- phonic,
- pianissimo,
- piano,
- pigeonhearted,
- pitch,
- pitched,
- pithless,
- plastic,
- pliable,
- pliant,
- pooped,
- poor,
- postlapsarian,
- posttonic,
- powerless,
- pregnable,
- prodigal,
- pulpy,
- puny,
- rabbity,
- rare,
- rarefied,
- ravaged with age,
- ready to drop,
- receptive,
- recidivist,
- recidivistic,
- relaxed,
- remiss,
- responsive,
- retroflex,
- rickety,
- rootless,
- rounded,
- rubbery,
- run ragged,
- run to seed,
- run-down,
- rusty,
- sagging,
- sallow,
- sapless,
- savorless,
- scarcely heard,
- seedy,
- semivisible,
- semivowel,
- senile,
- shadowy,
- shaky,
- shriveled,
- sickly,
- sinewless,
- sissified,
- sissy,
- slack,
- slender,
- slenderish,
- slight,
- slight-made,
- slim,
- slimmish,
- slinky,
- slipshod,
- sloppy,
- small,
- soft,
- soft-sounding,
- soft-voiced,
- sonant,
- spiceless,
- spindly,
- spineless,
- stale,
- stopped,
- strengthless,
- stressed,
- stricken in years,
- strong,
- suasible,
- subaudible,
- subdued,
- subtle,
- suggestible,
- surd,
- surmountable,
- susceptible,
- svelte,
- swayable,
- syllabic,
- sylphlike,
- tallow-faced,
- tasteless,
- tellurian,
- tense,
- tenuous,
- thick,
- thin,
- thin-bodied,
- thin-set,
- thin-spun,
- thinnish,
- threadlike,
- throaty,
- timeworn,
- timid,
- timorous,
- tired,
- tired-winged,
- toilworn,
- tonal,
- toneless,
- tonic,
- tottering,
- tottery,
- trimming,
- twangy,
- unaccented,
- unangelic,
- unauthoritative,
- unbelievable,
- uncertain,
- unchaste,
- unclean,
- unclear,
- uncolored,
- unconvincing,
- undefined,
- undependable,
- unfit,
- unflavored,
- ungodly,
- ungood,
- unhardened,
- unmanly,
- unmanned,
- unnerved,
- unplain,
- unproved,
- unqualified,
- unrecognizable,
- unrefreshed,
- unreliable,
- unrestored,
- unrestrained,
- unrighteous,
- unrigorous,
- unrounded,
- unsaintly,
- unsavory,
- unsound,
- unstable,
- unstressed,
- unstrung,
- unsubstantial,
- unsuitable,
- unsure,
- unsustained,
- unvirtuous,
- vacillating,
- vague,
- vapid,
- velar,
- vincible,
- virtueless,
- vocalic,
- vocoid,
- voiced,
- voiceless,
- vowel,
- vowellike,
- vulnerable,
- wan,
- wanton,
- washed-out,
- washy,
- wasp-waisted,
- watered,
- watered-down,
- waterish,
- watery,
- wavering,
- waxen,
- way-weary,
- wayward,
- wayworn,
- weak-kneed,
- weak-minded,
- weak-voiced,
- weak-willed,
- weakened,
- weakhearted,
- weakly,
- wearied,
- weariful,
- weary,
- weary-footed,
- weary-laden,
- weary-winged,
- weary-worn,
- whey-faced,
- whispered,
- white,
- white-livered,
- wide,
- willowy,
- wilting,
- wiredrawn,
- wishy-washy,
- wispy,
- withered,
- without any weight,
- wizened,
- wobbly,
- worn,
- worn-down,
- yellow