(used of eyes) lacking liveliness; "empty eyes"; "a glassy stare"; "his eyes were glazed over with boredom"
(of ceramics) having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it; "glazed pottery"; "glassy porcelain"; "hard vitreous china used for plumbing fixtures"
resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness; "the glassy surface of the lake"; "the pavement was...glassy with water"- Willa Cather
being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress); "pay one's formal respects"; "formal dress"; "a formal ball"; "the requirement was only formal and often ignored"; "a formal education"
(of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms; "the paper was written in formal English"
logically deductive; "formal proof"
characteristic of or befitting a person in authority; "formal duties"; "an official banquet"
feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums"
not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse"
lighted by or as if by twilight; "The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn"-Henry Fielding; "the twilight glow of the sky"; "a boat on a twilit river"
marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; "a furtive manner"; "a sneak attack"; "stealthy footsteps"; "a surreptitious glance at his watch"
not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood"