Exact Match:
- whistle
- acoustic device that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound
- the act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle; "the whistle signalled the end of the game"
- the sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture
- utter or express by whistling; "She whistled a melody"
- give a signal by whistling; "She whistled for her maid"
- make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound; "the kettle was singing"; "the bullet sang past his ear"
- move with, or as with, a whistling sound; "The bullets whistled past him"
- move, send, or bring as if by whistling; "Her optimism whistled away these worries"
- make whistling sounds; "He lay there, snoring and whistling"
- Angelus,
- Angelus bell,
- English horn,
- Klaxon,
- Mayday,
- Pandean pipe,
- SOS,
- air-raid alarm,
- alarm,
- alarm bell,
- alarm clock,
- alarm signal,
- alarum,
- alert,
- all clear,
- anthem,
- assibilation,
- aulos,
- bagpipe,
- ballad,
- basset horn,
- basset oboe,
- bassoon,
- battle cry,
- bay,
- beacon,
- beam,
- beep,
- bell,
- birdcall,
- birdies,
- blare,
- blast,
- blat,
- blinking light,
- blooping,
- blow,
- blow a horn,
- blow the horn,
- blurping,
- boiler factory,
- boiler room,
- bombard,
- boo,
- bray,
- bugle,
- bugle call,
- bull-roarer,
- burglar alarm,
- buzz,
- buzzer,
- cackle,
- call,
- caper,
- caracole,
- carillon,
- carol,
- catcall,
- caterwaul,
- caw,
- chant,
- chatter,
- cheep,
- cherry bomb,
- chirk,
- chirp,
- chirr,
- chirrup,
- chitter,
- choir,
- chorus,
- chuck,
- clack,
- clacker,
- clap hands,
- clapper,
- clarinet,
- clarion,
- cluck,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- contrabassoon,
- contrafagotto,
- coo,
- cracker,
- creak,
- cricket,
- croak,
- cromorne,
- cronk,
- croon,
- crostarie,
- crow,
- cuckoo,
- dance,
- delight,
- descant,
- distortion,
- do-re-mi,
- doodle,
- double bassoon,
- double reed,
- double-tongue,
- drum,
- effervesce,
- effervescence,
- effervescing,
- exult,
- fanfare,
- feedback,
- fiery cross,
- fife,
- fipple flute,
- fire alarm,
- fire bell,
- fire flag,
- firecracker,
- five-minute gun,
- fizz,
- fizzle,
- fizzling,
- flageolet,
- flashing light,
- flourish of trumpets,
- flute,
- flutter,
- fluttering,
- fog bell,
- fog signal,
- foghorn,
- frication,
- frictional rustling,
- frisk,
- frolic,
- gabble,
- gaggle,
- gale warning,
- gambol,
- give the bird,
- give the raspberry,
- glory,
- glow,
- gobble,
- groan,
- growl,
- guggle,
- hautboy,
- heckelphone,
- hiss,
- hissing,
- honk,
- hoo,
- hoot,
- hooter,
- horn,
- hornpipe,
- howl,
- howling,
- hue and cry,
- hum,
- hurricane warning,
- hush,
- hushing,
- hymn,
- intonate,
- intone,
- joy,
- jubilate,
- keen,
- last post,
- laugh,
- licorice stick,
- lighthouse,
- lilt,
- lip,
- lisp,
- minstrel,
- moan,
- moose call,
- motorboating,
- murmur,
- musette,
- mutter,
- noisemaker,
- note of alarm,
- oaten reed,
- oboe,
- oboe da caccia,
- ocarina,
- occulting light,
- panpipe,
- peal,
- peep,
- penny-whistle,
- piccolo,
- pip,
- pipe,
- police whistle,
- pommer,
- psalm,
- quack,
- quaver,
- radiate cheer,
- rallying cry,
- rattle,
- rattlebox,
- rebel yell,
- recorder,
- reed,
- reed instrument,
- rejoice,
- reveille,
- revel,
- rhonchus,
- roar,
- roll,
- rollick,
- romp,
- roulade,
- rumble,
- sax,
- saxophone,
- scold,
- scratching,
- screak,
- scream,
- screech,
- serenade,
- shake,
- shawm,
- shredding,
- shriek,
- shrill,
- shush,
- shushing,
- sibilance,
- sibilate,
- sibilation,
- siffle,
- sigh,
- sigmatism,
- signal of distress,
- sing,
- sing in chorus,
- single reed,
- single-reed instrument,
- siren,
- siss,
- sissing,
- sizz,
- sizzle,
- sizzling,
- skip,
- skip for joy,
- skirl,
- skreigh,
- small-craft warning,
- smile,
- snapper,
- snarl,
- sneeze,
- sneezing,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuffle,
- sob,
- sol-fa,
- solmizate,
- sonorophone,
- sough,
- sound,
- sound a tattoo,
- sound taps,
- sparkle,
- spit,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- squash,
- squawk,
- squeak,
- squeal,
- squeals,
- squelch,
- squish,
- static,
- steam whistle,
- sternutation,
- stertor,
- still alarm,
- storm cone,
- storm flag,
- storm warning,
- summons,
- sweet potato,
- swish,
- syrinx,
- tabor pipe,
- tantara,
- tantarara,
- taps,
- tarantara,
- tattoo,
- tenoroon,
- ticktack,
- tin-whistle,
- tocsin,
- tongue,
- toot,
- tootle,
- tremolo,
- trill,
- triple-tongue,
- troll,
- trumpet,
- trumpet blast,
- trumpet call,
- tweedle,
- tweedledee,
- tweet,
- twit,
- twitter,
- two-minute gun,
- ululate,
- ululation,
- upside-down flag,
- vocalize,
- wail,
- war cry,
- warble,
- wheeze,
- whine,
- whish,
- whisper,
- whistle at,
- whistles,
- whistling,
- white noise,
- whiz,
- whizgig,
- whizzer,
- whoosh,
- wind,
- wind the horn,
- woods,
- woodwind,
- woodwind choir,
- woodwind instrument,
- woomping,
- wow,
- wowwows,
- wrawl,
- yammer,
- yodel,
- zip