small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae
a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
the articulation of a consonant (especially the consonant `r') with a rapid flutter of the tongue against the palate or uvula; "he pronounced his R's with a distinct trill"
pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme `r'; "Some speakers trill their r's"
any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvae
screw thread on a gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or rack
a software program capable of reproducing itself that can spread from one computer to the next over a network; "worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers"
a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect
make a request or demand for something to somebody; "She asked him for a loan"
consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
direct or put; seek an answer to; "ask a question"
address a question to and expect an answer from; "Ask your teacher about trigonometry"; "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"
require or ask for as a price or condition; "He is asking $200 for the table"; "The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage"
a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant
an order to appear in person at a given place and time