Exact Match:
- withdraw
- pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
- remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
- abandon,
- abate,
- abdicate,
- abjure,
- abolish,
- abrade,
- abrogate,
- abrupt,
- abscond,
- abstract,
- agree to differ,
- agree to disagree,
- alienate,
- annul,
- avulse,
- back down,
- back out,
- backwater,
- bate,
- be at variance,
- be in dissent,
- be pensioned,
- be superannuated,
- beat a retreat,
- become an individual,
- beg off,
- beg to differ,
- blow,
- bow out,
- cancel,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- climb down,
- countermand,
- counterorder,
- crawfish out,
- cringe,
- cry off,
- curtail,
- cut adrift,
- cut off,
- cut out,
- decline,
- decrease,
- deduct,
- delete,
- demit,
- deny,
- depart,
- depart from,
- depreciate,
- deracinate,
- derogate,
- detract,
- die away,
- differ,
- dig out,
- dig up,
- diminish,
- disagree,
- disagree with,
- disannul,
- disappear,
- disarticulate,
- disavow,
- discard,
- disclaim,
- disconnect,
- discord with,
- disengage,
- disentangle,
- disjoin,
- disjoint,
- disown,
- disparage,
- dissent,
- dissent from,
- dissociate,
- disunite,
- divide,
- divide on,
- divorce,
- do away with,
- drain,
- draw,
- draw back,
- draw in,
- draw off,
- draw out,
- dredge,
- dredge up,
- drift away,
- drop out,
- duck,
- dwindle,
- eat away,
- eat crow,
- eat humble pie,
- ebb,
- eject,
- eradicate,
- erode,
- estrange,
- evacuate,
- evolve,
- evulse,
- excavate,
- excise,
- exit,
- expel,
- exsect,
- extract,
- extricate,
- fade,
- fade away,
- fall back,
- file away,
- flinch,
- forsake,
- forswear,
- get away,
- get off,
- get out,
- give back,
- give ground,
- give place,
- give up,
- give way,
- go,
- go away,
- go back,
- go back on,
- gouge out,
- grub up,
- impair,
- invalidate,
- isolate,
- jettison,
- jilt,
- keep apart,
- leach,
- leave,
- leave behind,
- leave flat,
- lessen,
- make void,
- maroon,
- mine,
- move away,
- move back,
- move off,
- not agree,
- nullify,
- oppose,
- override,
- overrule,
- palinode,
- part,
- pension off,
- pick out,
- pluck out,
- pluck up,
- pull,
- pull away,
- pull back,
- pull in,
- pull out,
- pull up,
- purify,
- quail,
- quarry,
- quit,
- quit cold,
- rake out,
- recall,
- recant,
- recede,
- recoil,
- reduce,
- refine,
- relinquish,
- remove,
- renege,
- renounce,
- renounce the throne,
- repeal,
- repudiate,
- rescind,
- resign,
- retire,
- retire from office,
- retract,
- retreat,
- retrench,
- retrocede,
- reverse,
- revoke,
- rip out,
- root out,
- root up,
- rub away,
- run along,
- run back,
- say goodbye to,
- secede,
- segregate,
- separate,
- sequester,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- shorten,
- shrink,
- shut off,
- shy,
- sink,
- split,
- stand alone,
- stand aloof,
- stand apart,
- stand aside,
- stand back,
- stand down,
- stand off,
- step aside,
- subduct,
- subtract,
- superannuate,
- suspend,
- swallow,
- take away,
- take back,
- take exception,
- take from,
- take issue,
- take leave of,
- take off,
- take out,
- tear out,
- thin,
- thin out,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- throw over,
- uncouple,
- unearth,
- unravel,
- unsay,
- unyoke,
- uproot,
- vacate,
- vanish,
- void,
- waive,
- wane,
- wear away,
- weed,
- weed out,
- widen the distance,
- wince,
- withdraw from,
- withhold assent,
- wrest out,
- write off