- Kilkenny cats,
- aggressive,
- altercation,
- apologetics,
- apologia,
- apology,
- argument,
- argumentation,
- bellicose,
- belligerent,
- bicker,
- bickering,
- casuistry,
- cat-and-dog life,
- combat,
- combative,
- conflict,
- contention,
- contentiousness,
- contest,
- contestation,
- controversy,
- cut and thrust,
- debate,
- defense,
- disputation,
- disputatious,
- dispute,
- divisive,
- enmity,
- eristic,
- factional,
- factious,
- fighting,
- flyting,
- hassle,
- hostility,
- hubbub,
- irascible,
- irritable,
- litigation,
- litigious,
- logomachy,
- paper war,
- partisan,
- passage of arms,
- polarizing,
- polemic,
- polemics,
- pugnacious,
- quarrel,
- quarreling,
- quarrelsome,
- quarrelsomeness,
- rhubarb,
- scrapping,
- set-to,
- shrewish,
- squabbling,
- strife,
- struggle,
- verbal engagement,
- war,
- war of words,
- warfare,
- words