Exact Match:
- wrench
- a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt
- a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments; "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell"; "he was sidelined with a hamstring pull"
- twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates; "wrench a window off its hinges"; "wrench oneself free from somebody's grip"; "a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest"
- make a sudden twisting motion
- Allen wrench,
- Stillson wrench,
- abrade,
- abrasion,
- ache,
- aching,
- acute pain,
- adjustable wrench,
- alligator wrench,
- anamorphism,
- anamorphosis,
- asymmetry,
- badger,
- bark,
- belie,
- bend,
- bite,
- blackmail,
- blemish,
- bloody,
- blow,
- bob,
- boring pain,
- box wrench,
- break,
- buckle,
- burlesque,
- burn,
- camouflage,
- caricature,
- carriage wrench,
- chafe,
- chain wrench,
- charley horse,
- check,
- chip,
- claim,
- claw,
- coerce,
- color,
- compel,
- concussion,
- confuse,
- constrain,
- contort,
- contortion,
- crack,
- crackle,
- cramp,
- cramps,
- craze,
- crick,
- crook,
- crookedness,
- crumple,
- cut,
- darting pain,
- demand,
- detorsion,
- deviation,
- disguise,
- disproportion,
- distort,
- distortion,
- distress,
- dolor,
- drag,
- exact,
- exaction,
- exaggerate,
- extort,
- extortion,
- falsify,
- flash burn,
- flick,
- flip,
- flirt,
- flounce,
- force,
- force from,
- fracture,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fret,
- fulgurant pain,
- gall,
- garble,
- gash,
- get one wrong,
- get wrong,
- girdle pain,
- gloss,
- gnarl,
- gnawing,
- gouge,
- grief,
- griping,
- hitch,
- hurt,
- imbalance,
- incise,
- incision,
- injure,
- injury,
- irregularity,
- jerk,
- jig,
- jigger,
- jigget,
- jiggle,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jumping pain,
- kink,
- knot,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lancinating pain,
- lesion,
- levy blackmail,
- lopsidedness,
- lug wrench,
- maim,
- make mincemeat of,
- maul,
- misapply,
- misapprehend,
- miscite,
- miscolor,
- misconceive,
- misconstrue,
- misdeem,
- misexplain,
- misexplicate,
- misexpound,
- misinterpret,
- misjudge,
- misquote,
- misread,
- misrender,
- misreport,
- misrepresent,
- misstate,
- mistake,
- misteach,
- mistranslate,
- misunderstand,
- monkey wrench,
- mortal wound,
- mutilate,
- mutilation,
- nasty blow,
- nip,
- overdraw,
- overstate,
- pain,
- pang,
- parody,
- paroxysm,
- passion,
- pervert,
- pierce,
- pinch,
- pipe wrench,
- pluck,
- prick,
- pry loose from,
- puncture,
- quirk,
- rend,
- rend from,
- rending,
- rent,
- rick,
- rip,
- rip from,
- ripping,
- run,
- rupture,
- savage,
- scald,
- scorch,
- scotch,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- screw,
- screw key,
- scuff,
- second-degree burn,
- seizure,
- shake down,
- sharp pain,
- shock,
- shoot,
- shooting,
- shooting pain,
- skin,
- slant,
- slash,
- slit,
- snake,
- snatch,
- snatch from,
- socket wrench,
- sore,
- sore spot,
- spanner,
- spark-plug wrench,
- spasm,
- sprain,
- spring,
- squeeze,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- stabbing pain,
- start,
- stick,
- stitch,
- strain,
- strain the sense,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- stroke,
- sudden pull,
- suffering,
- tap wrench,
- tappet wrench,
- tear,
- tear from,
- tearing,
- tender spot,
- third-degree burn,
- thrill,
- throes,
- tormen,
- torsion,
- tortuosity,
- torture,
- trauma,
- traumatize,
- travesty,
- turn,
- turn awry,
- tweak,
- twinge,
- twist,
- twist the words,
- twitch,
- understate,
- unsymmetry,
- warp,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wrench from,
- wrenching,
- wrest,
- wresting,
- wring,
- wring from,
- wringing,
- writhe,
- wry,
- yank,
- yerk