Exact Match:
- yielding
- tending to give in or surrender or agree; "too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments"- V.I.Parrington
- lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure; "a deep yielding layer of foam rubber"
- inclined to yield to argument or influence or control; "a timid yielding person"
- abandonment,
- abatement of differences,
- abdication,
- abjuration,
- abjurement,
- acceptance,
- accommodating,
- accommodation,
- acquiescence,
- acquiescent,
- adaptable,
- adjustment,
- agreeable,
- amenable,
- arrangement,
- assent,
- bargain,
- bearing,
- bendable,
- bending,
- biddable,
- bouncy,
- cession,
- complaisance,
- compliance,
- compliant,
- composition,
- compromise,
- concession,
- consent,
- convenient,
- cop-out,
- deal,
- deference,
- desertion of principle,
- dispensation,
- disposal,
- disposition,
- docile,
- dropping out,
- ductile,
- dumping,
- elastic,
- evasion of responsibility,
- extensible,
- extensile,
- fabricable,
- facile,
- feasible,
- fictile,
- flexible,
- flexile,
- flexuous,
- foolproof,
- forgoing,
- formable,
- formative,
- forswearing,
- fructiferous,
- fructification,
- fruitbearing,
- fruiting,
- fruition,
- getting rid of,
- give-and-take,
- giving,
- giving up,
- giving way,
- handing over,
- handy,
- homage,
- impressible,
- impressionable,
- kneeling,
- letting go,
- like putty,
- limber,
- lissome,
- lithe,
- lithesome,
- malleable,
- manageable,
- maneuverable,
- manipulable,
- moldable,
- mushy,
- mutual concession,
- nonopposal,
- nonopposition,
- nonresistance,
- nonresistant,
- nonresisting,
- obedience,
- obedient,
- obeisance,
- obliging,
- pappy,
- passiveness,
- passivity,
- plastic,
- pliable,
- pliant,
- practical,
- producing,
- pulpy,
- quaggy,
- recantation,
- receptive,
- release,
- relinquishment,
- renouncement,
- renunciation,
- resignation,
- resigned,
- resignedness,
- resilient,
- responsive,
- retraction,
- riddance,
- rubbery,
- sacrifice,
- sensitive,
- sequacious,
- settlement,
- shapable,
- soft,
- spongy,
- springy,
- squashy,
- squelchy,
- squishy,
- squushy,
- subjection,
- submission,
- submissive,
- submittal,
- supineness,
- supple,
- surrender,
- susceptible,
- swearing off,
- tractable,
- tractile,
- unaustere,
- undemanding,
- understanding,
- unexacting,
- unharsh,
- unresistant,
- unresisting,
- unsevere,
- unstrict,
- untroublesome,
- waiver,
- whippy,
- wieldable,
- wieldy,
- willowy,
- withdrawing