Exact Match:
- Blessing
- the act of praying for divine protection
- the formal act of approving; "he gave the project his blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person"
- a desirable state; "enjoy the blessings of peace"; "a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors"
- Godspeed,
- OK,
- acceptance,
- accord,
- acquiescence,
- act of grace,
- act of kindness,
- adherence,
- admiration,
- advantage,
- affirmation,
- affirmative,
- affirmative voice,
- agreement,
- approbation,
- approval,
- assent,
- asset,
- avail,
- aye,
- beatification,
- beatitude,
- behalf,
- behoof,
- benedicite,
- benediction,
- benefaction,
- benefit,
- benevolence,
- benignity,
- benison,
- best wishes,
- blessedness,
- boon,
- bounty,
- break,
- canonization,
- compliance,
- compliment,
- congratulation,
- connivance,
- consecration,
- consent,
- countenance,
- courtesy,
- dedication,
- devotion,
- eagerness,
- endorsement,
- enshrinement,
- esteem,
- exaltation,
- favor,
- favorable vote,
- felicitation,
- felicity,
- fluke,
- fortunateness,
- fortune,
- gain,
- gift,
- glorification,
- godsend,
- good,
- good deed,
- good fortune,
- good luck,
- good offices,
- good turn,
- good wishes,
- grace,
- gratulation,
- hallowing,
- happy fortune,
- help,
- interest,
- invocation,
- justification,
- justification by works,
- kind deed,
- kind offices,
- kindly act,
- kindness,
- labor of love,
- loaves and fishes,
- luck,
- luckiness,
- lucky break,
- lucky strike,
- manna,
- manna from heaven,
- mercy,
- mitzvah,
- nod,
- obligation,
- office,
- okay,
- permission,
- prayer,
- profit,
- promptitude,
- promptness,
- purification,
- ratification,
- readiness,
- respect,
- run of luck,
- sainthood,
- sainting,
- sanctification,
- sanction,
- seal of approval,
- service,
- setting apart,
- smiles of fortune,
- stamp of approval,
- state of grace,
- streak of luck,
- stroke of luck,
- submission,
- thanks,
- thanksgiving,
- the breaks,
- turn,
- ungrudgingness,
- unloathness,
- unreluctance,
- valediction,
- voice,
- vote,
- welfare,
- well-being,
- willingness,
- world of good,
- yea,
- yea vote