Exact Match:
- Echo
- the persistence of a sound after its source has stopped
- a reply that repeats what has just been said
- (Greek mythology) a nymph who was spurned by Narcissus and pined away until only her voice remained
- call to mind; "His words echoed John F. Kennedy"
- CRT spot,
- DM display,
- Doppler signal,
- IF signal,
- IM display,
- RF echoes,
- accord,
- acknowledge,
- acknowledgment,
- act like,
- action and reaction,
- adumbration,
- affect,
- agree,
- agree in opinion,
- agree with,
- answer,
- answer back,
- answering,
- antiphon,
- antiphonal chanting,
- antiphony,
- ape,
- assume,
- automatic reaction,
- autonomic reaction,
- back answer,
- back talk,
- backchat,
- be affected,
- be in tune,
- be inspired,
- be involved,
- be moved,
- be reflected,
- be sent back,
- beam,
- beat signal,
- blips,
- boom,
- booming,
- borrow,
- bounce back,
- bounceback,
- bounces,
- care about,
- caring,
- catch the flame,
- catch the infection,
- change color,
- chime in with,
- choir,
- chord,
- chorus,
- claviature,
- close with,
- coincide,
- color with emotion,
- come again,
- come back,
- come back at,
- come up again,
- comeback,
- concern,
- concur,
- conform to,
- conformist,
- console,
- copier,
- copy,
- copycat,
- copyist,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeiter,
- crib,
- cuckoo,
- dig,
- display,
- dissembler,
- dissimulator,
- ditto,
- do,
- do a repeat,
- do again,
- do like,
- do over,
- double,
- double-dot display,
- doubling,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- echo back,
- echo signal,
- echoer,
- echoist,
- eighty-eight,
- empathize with,
- empathy,
- emulate,
- encore,
- evasive reply,
- facsimile,
- fake,
- faker,
- fall in with,
- fellow feeling,
- fingerboard,
- flash back,
- forge,
- forger,
- give acknowledgment,
- give answer,
- go along with,
- go back,
- go like,
- go with,
- great,
- growl,
- growling,
- grumble,
- grumbling,
- hoke,
- hoke up,
- hypocrite,
- identification,
- identify with,
- imitate,
- imitation,
- imitator,
- impersonator,
- impostor,
- involvement,
- iteration,
- ivories,
- keep coming,
- keyboard,
- keys,
- local oscillator signal,
- make like,
- manual,
- meet,
- mime,
- mimer,
- mimic,
- mimicker,
- mirror,
- mirror image,
- mocker,
- mockingbird,
- monkey,
- organ manual,
- outline,
- output signal,
- parrot,
- pathos,
- pedals,
- phony,
- piano keys,
- picture,
- pips,
- plagiarism,
- plagiarist,
- plagiarize,
- poll-parrot,
- polly,
- polly-parrot,
- poseur,
- predictable response,
- quotation,
- quote,
- radar signal,
- react,
- reaction,
- reading,
- ready reply,
- reappear,
- reappearance,
- rebirth,
- reboation,
- rebound,
- receipt,
- recur,
- recurrence,
- redo,
- redouble,
- redoubling,
- reduplicate,
- reduplication,
- reecho,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- reflex action,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- regurgitate,
- regurgitation,
- reincarnate,
- reincarnation,
- reiteration,
- rejoin,
- rejoinder,
- relate to emotionally,
- relating,
- renew,
- renewal,
- reoccur,
- reoccurrence,
- repartee,
- repeat,
- repeat performance,
- repercussion,
- repetition,
- replica,
- replication,
- reply,
- repost,
- reproduce,
- reproduction,
- rescript,
- rescription,
- resound,
- resounding,
- respond,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsion,
- responsiveness,
- responsory,
- responsory report,
- resume,
- resumption,
- retort,
- retroaction,
- return,
- return answer,
- return for answer,
- return signal,
- reverberate,
- reverberation,
- revert,
- revive,
- revulsion,
- ring,
- riposte,
- rise,
- roll,
- rumble,
- rumbling,
- say,
- say again,
- say in reply,
- send back,
- shadow,
- share,
- sharing,
- sheep,
- shoot back,
- short answer,
- side with,
- signal,
- signal display,
- silhouette,
- simulate,
- simulation,
- simulator,
- snappy comeback,
- solo,
- sound,
- spot,
- strike in with,
- swell,
- sympathetic chord,
- sympathetic response,
- sympathize with,
- sympathy,
- talk back,
- target image,
- thunder,
- thundering,
- trace,
- transmitter signal,
- unthinking response,
- vibes,
- vibrations,
- video signal,
- witty reply,
- witty retort,
- yes-and-no answer