- AEC,
- Appalachian Regional Commission,
- Atomic Energy Commission,
- Bow Street runner,
- CAB,
- CIA,
- Central Intelligence Agency,
- Cheka,
- Civil Aeronautics Board,
- District of Columbia,
- Domestic Council,
- EDA,
- EIB,
- EPA,
- Environmental Protection Agency,
- FAA,
- FBI agent,
- FCA,
- FCC,
- FDA,
- FPC,
- FTC,
- Federal,
- Federal Aviation Agency,
- Federal Communications Commission,
- Federal Maritime Commission,
- Federal Power Commission,
- G-man,
- GAO,
- GSA,
- General Accounting Office,
- General Services Administration,
- Gestapo,
- Government Printing Office,
- ICC,
- Indian Claims Commission,
- Interpol,
- Interstate Commerce Commission,
- Library of Congress,
- MP,
- MVD,
- Mounties,
- NSF,
- National Mediation Board,
- National Science Foundation,
- National Security Council,
- OEO,
- Panama Canal Company,
- Railroad Retirement Board,
- SEC,
- SP,
- Scotland Yard,
- Secret Service,
- Sherlock Holmes,
- Smithsonian Institution,
- T-man,
- TVA,
- Tennessee Valley Authority,
- VA,
- constabulary,
- county police,
- detective,
- fed,
- highway patrol,
- hotel detective,
- house detective,
- house dick,
- inquiry agent,
- investigator,
- law enforcement agency,
- military police,
- narc,
- operative,
- plainclothesman,
- police,
- police detective,
- police force,
- political police,
- posse,
- private detective,
- private investigator,
- provincial police,
- revenuer,
- riot police,
- secret police,
- security force,
- shore patrol,
- sleuth,
- special police,
- state police,
- store detective,
- tactical police,
- treasury agent,
- troopers,
- vigilance committee,
- vigilantes