Exact Match:
- Red
- red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
- a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana
- red with or characterized by blood; "waving our red weapons o'er our heads"- Shakespeare; "The Red Badge of Courage"; "the red rules of tooth and claw"- P.B.Sears
- of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
- Adrianople red,
- Amytal,
- Amytal pill,
- Bolshevik,
- Bolshevist,
- Bolshie,
- Burgundy,
- Carbonarist,
- Carbonaro,
- Castroist,
- Castroite,
- Charley,
- Communist,
- Cong,
- Congo rubine,
- Demerol,
- Dolophine,
- English red,
- Fenian,
- Goya,
- Guevarist,
- H,
- Indian red,
- Jacobin,
- Leninist,
- Luminal,
- Luminal pill,
- M,
- Majolica earth,
- Maoist,
- Marxist,
- Mau-Mau,
- Mickey Finn,
- Nembutal,
- Nembutal pill,
- Persian red,
- Prussian red,
- Puritan,
- Red,
- Red Republican,
- Roundhead,
- Seconal,
- Seconal pill,
- Sinn Feiner,
- Titian,
- Titian-red,
- Trotskyist,
- Trotskyite,
- Tuinal,
- Tuinal pill,
- Turkey red,
- VC,
- Vandyke red,
- Vietcong,
- Wobbly,
- Yankee,
- Yankee Doodle,
- alcohol,
- algetic,
- amidonaphthol red,
- amobarbital sodium,
- analgesic,
- anarch,
- anarchist,
- anarchistic,
- anarcho-syndicalist,
- angry,
- annatto,
- anodyne,
- any color,
- barb,
- barbiturate,
- barbiturate pill,
- black stuff,
- blue,
- blue angel,
- blue devil,
- blue heaven,
- blue velvet,
- blushful,
- blushing,
- bonnet rouge,
- bricky,
- bright rose,
- burning,
- burnt carmine,
- burnt ocher,
- calmative,
- cardinal,
- carmine,
- carnation,
- carnelian,
- cerise,
- chafed,
- cherry,
- cherry-colored,
- cherry-red,
- chloral hydrate,
- chrome red,
- cinnabar,
- claret,
- cochineal,
- codeine,
- codeine cough syrup,
- color,
- copper red,
- cordovan,
- cramoisie,
- cresol red,
- criminal syndicalist,
- crimson,
- crude,
- damask,
- depressant,
- depressor,
- dolly,
- downer,
- embarrassed,
- erythema,
- extreme,
- extreme left-winger,
- extremist,
- extremistic,
- faded rose,
- ferruginous,
- festering,
- fiery,
- fire red,
- fire-red,
- flame-colored,
- flame-red,
- flaming,
- floridity,
- floridness,
- flushed,
- fuchsine,
- galled,
- glowing,
- goofball,
- gules,
- hard stuff,
- heroin,
- high color,
- hop,
- horse,
- hot,
- hypnotic,
- incarmined,
- inflamed,
- infrared,
- iron red,
- iron-red,
- irritated,
- jockey,
- junk,
- knockout drops,
- lake,
- lake-colored,
- laky,
- lateritious,
- laudanum,
- left-wing extremist,
- light red,
- liquor,
- lobster,
- lobster-red,
- lotus,
- lunatic fringe,
- lurid,
- madder,
- madder crimson,
- madder lake,
- madder pink,
- madder rose,
- maroon,
- meperidine,
- methadone,
- mild radical,
- mildly radical,
- morphia,
- morphine,
- murrey,
- narcotic,
- nihilist,
- nihilistic,
- old red,
- opiate,
- opium,
- pacifier,
- pain killer,
- palladium red,
- paregoric,
- parlor Bolshevik,
- parlor pink,
- pen yan,
- phenobarbital,
- phenobarbital sodium,
- pink,
- pinko,
- ponceau,
- poppy,
- port-wine,
- puce,
- purple heart,
- purple lake,
- quietener,
- radical,
- rainbow,
- raisin,
- rankling,
- rare,
- raw,
- realgar,
- rebel,
- red lead,
- red ocher,
- red race,
- red-dyed,
- red-looking,
- reddened,
- reddish,
- reddish-amber,
- reddish-brown,
- reddishness,
- redness,
- revolutionary,
- revolutionary junta,
- revolutioner,
- revolutionist,
- revolutionizer,
- roccellin,
- rubicund,
- rubiginous,
- rubine,
- rubor,
- rubric,
- rubricose,
- ruby,
- ruby-colored,
- ruby-red,
- ruddied,
- ruddle,
- ruddy,
- rufescent,
- rufosity,
- rufous,
- rust,
- rust-red,
- rusty,
- sans-culotte,
- sans-culottist,
- scag,
- scarlet,
- secobarbital sodium,
- sedative,
- sensitive,
- sheepish,
- shit,
- sleep-inducer,
- sleeper,
- sleeping draught,
- sleeping pill,
- smack,
- smarting,
- sodium thiopental,
- solferino,
- somnifacient,
- soother,
- soothing syrup,
- soporific,
- sore,
- stammel,
- strawberry,
- subversive,
- syndicalist,
- tar,
- tender,
- terrorist,
- tile-red,
- tingling,
- toluidine red,
- tranquilizer,
- turps,
- ultra,
- ultraconservative,
- ultraist,
- ultraistic,
- unbaked,
- unboiled,
- uncooked,
- undercooked,
- underdone,
- vermilion,
- vermilionette,
- vinaceous,
- warm,
- white stuff,
- wine,
- wine-colored,
- wine-red,
- yellow,
- yellow jacket,
- yippie