Exact Match:
- Stoicism
- an indifference to pleasure or pain
- (philosophy) the philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno
- acceptance,
- ataraxia,
- ataraxy,
- austerity,
- backbone,
- bovinity,
- calm,
- calmness,
- coolness,
- dispassion,
- dispassionateness,
- dullness,
- easy temper,
- endurance,
- even temper,
- fatalism,
- forbearance,
- forbearing,
- forbearingness,
- fortitude,
- good temper,
- grit,
- guts,
- impassiveness,
- impassivity,
- imperturbability,
- imperturbableness,
- indifference,
- indulgence,
- inexcitability,
- inexcitableness,
- inirritability,
- insensibility,
- lenience,
- leniency,
- long-sufferance,
- long-suffering,
- longanimity,
- patience,
- patience of Job,
- patientness,
- perseverance,
- phlegm,
- pluck,
- resignation,
- sand,
- self-control,
- self-possession,
- smooth temper,
- steadiness,
- stolidity,
- sufferance,
- sweet reasonableness,
- tolerance,
- toleration,
- unirritableness,
- unnervousness,
- unpassionateness,
- unresponsiveness,
- waiting game,
- waiting it out