Exact Match:
- Yankee
- an American (especially to non-Americans)
- an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)
- used by Southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States (especially a Union soldier)
- Acadian,
- Anglo-Indian,
- Bolshevik,
- Bolshevist,
- Bolshie,
- Brooklynese,
- Cajun,
- Canadian French,
- Carbonarist,
- Carbonaro,
- Castroist,
- Castroite,
- Charley,
- Cockney,
- Communist,
- Cong,
- Down-Easter Yankee,
- Easterner,
- Fenian,
- French Canadian,
- Guevarist,
- Gullah,
- Jacobin,
- Leninist,
- Maoist,
- Marxist,
- Mau-Mau,
- Midland,
- Midland dialect,
- New England dialect,
- New Englander,
- Northener,
- Northman,
- Pennsylvania Dutch,
- Puritan,
- Red,
- Red Republican,
- Roundhead,
- Sinn Feiner,
- Trotskyist,
- Trotskyite,
- VC,
- Vietcong,
- Westerner,
- Yankee Doodle,
- Yorkshire,
- anarch,
- anarchist,
- bonnet rouge,
- bundle of isoglosses,
- class dialect,
- criminal syndicalist,
- dialect,
- dialect atlas,
- dialect dictionary,
- eastlander,
- idiom,
- isogloss,
- linguistic atlas,
- linguistic community,
- linguistic island,
- local dialect,
- localism,
- northlander,
- patois,
- provincialism,
- rebel,
- red,
- regional accent,
- regionalism,
- revolutionary,
- revolutionary junta,
- revolutioner,
- revolutionist,
- revolutionizer,
- sans-culotte,
- sans-culottist,
- southlander,
- speech community,
- subdialect,
- subversive,
- syndicalist,
- terrorist,
- westlander