freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
the act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
a legal document giving official permission to do something
freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)
excessive freedom; lack of due restraint; "when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near"- Will Durant; "the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum"- Edmund Burke
authorize officially; "I am licensed to practice law in this state"
sexual practice that involves physically restraining (by cords or handcuffs) one of the partners
the state of being under the control of another person
the state of being under the control of a force or influence or abstract power; "he was in bondage to fear:; "he sought release from his bondage to Satan"; "a self freed from the bondage of time"