Exact Match:
- ache
- a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
- have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover"
- be the source of pain
- ache for,
- ache to,
- aching,
- agonize,
- ail,
- angina,
- anguish,
- backache,
- be dying for,
- be dying to,
- be hurting for,
- bellyache,
- blanch,
- bleed,
- blench,
- blow,
- brood over,
- burn to,
- cephalalgia,
- chilblains,
- chill,
- chilliness,
- chilling,
- choose to,
- clamor for,
- cold creeps,
- cold shivers,
- colic,
- collywobbles,
- cramp,
- crave,
- creeps,
- cry for,
- cryopathy,
- cut,
- dearly love to,
- distress,
- dithers,
- dolor,
- duck bumps,
- earache,
- feel pain,
- feel the pangs,
- fret,
- frostbite,
- gape for,
- gnawing,
- go hard with,
- goose bumps,
- goose pimples,
- gooseflesh,
- grief,
- grieve,
- grimace,
- gripe,
- gripes,
- gut-ache,
- hanker,
- have a misery,
- headache,
- heartburn,
- hemicrania,
- hone for,
- hope for,
- horripilation,
- hunger,
- hurt,
- injury,
- itch for,
- itch to,
- kibe,
- languish for,
- lesion,
- like to,
- long,
- long for,
- long to,
- longing,
- love to,
- lust for,
- megrim,
- migraine,
- misery,
- mope,
- mourn,
- nasty blow,
- odontalgia,
- otalgia,
- pain,
- pang,
- pant for,
- passion,
- pine,
- pine away,
- pine for,
- pound,
- pounding,
- pyrosis,
- rack,
- shivering,
- shivers,
- shock,
- shoot,
- shrink,
- sick headache,
- sigh for,
- smart,
- smarting,
- sore,
- sore spot,
- soreness,
- sorrow,
- spasm,
- splitting headache,
- spoil for,
- sting,
- stitch,
- stomachache,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- stroke,
- suffer,
- suffer anguish,
- suffering,
- take on,
- tender spot,
- thirst for,
- thrill,
- throb,
- throbbing,
- throbbing pain,
- throes,
- tingle,
- toothache,
- twinge,
- twitch,
- want to,
- weary for,
- wince,
- wish for,
- wish to,
- wound,
- wrench,
- writhe,
- yearn,
- yearn for,
- yen for