Exact Match:
- aggregate
- a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
- gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness"
- formed of separate units in a cluster; "raspberries are aggregate fruits"
- gather in a mass, sum, or whole
- amount in the aggregate to
- A to Z,
- A to izzard,
- account,
- accumulate,
- accumulated,
- accumulation,
- acervation,
- add up,
- add up to,
- agglomerate,
- agglomeration,
- aggregate to,
- aggregation,
- aggroup,
- all,
- all and sundry,
- all-embracing,
- all-inclusive,
- alpha and omega,
- amass,
- amassed,
- amassment,
- amount,
- amount to,
- assemblage,
- assemble,
- assembled,
- batch,
- be-all,
- be-all and end-all,
- beginning and end,
- box score,
- bring together,
- budget,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- bunch together,
- bunch up,
- bunched,
- bundled,
- cast,
- chunk,
- clump,
- clumped,
- cluster,
- clustered,
- collect,
- collected,
- colligate,
- collocate,
- combine,
- combined,
- come,
- come to,
- compare,
- compile,
- complement,
- comprehensive,
- comprise,
- congeries,
- conglobation,
- conglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- congregate,
- congregated,
- contain,
- corral,
- count,
- cumulate,
- cumulation,
- difference,
- dig up,
- draw together,
- dredge up,
- drive together,
- each and every,
- entire,
- entirety,
- everything,
- exhaustive,
- fascicled,
- fasciculated,
- gather,
- gather in,
- gather together,
- gathered,
- gathering,
- get in,
- get together,
- glomerate,
- glomeration,
- gob,
- gross,
- group,
- heaped,
- holistic,
- hunk,
- in session,
- inclusive,
- integral,
- integrated,
- join,
- joined,
- joint,
- juxtapose,
- knotted,
- leagued,
- length and breadth,
- lump,
- lump together,
- lumped,
- make up,
- mass,
- massed,
- match,
- meeting,
- mobilize,
- mount up to,
- muster,
- number,
- omnibus,
- one,
- one and all,
- one and indivisible,
- package,
- package deal,
- packaged,
- pair,
- partner,
- piled,
- product,
- put together,
- quantity,
- quantum,
- raise,
- rake up,
- rally,
- reckon up to,
- reckoning,
- round up,
- run into,
- run to,
- score,
- scrape together,
- set,
- snowball,
- stacked,
- stockpile,
- sum,
- sum total,
- summation,
- take up,
- tale,
- tally,
- the bottom line,
- the corpus,
- the ensemble,
- the entirety,
- the lot,
- the story,
- the whole,
- the whole range,
- the whole story,
- tot up to,
- total,
- totality,
- tote,
- tote up to,
- unitize,
- universal,
- wad,
- whip in,
- whole,
- wrapped up,
- x number