Exact Match:
- assessment
- the market value set on assets
- an amount determined as payable; "the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership"
- Irish dividend,
- account,
- allowance,
- analyzing,
- appraisal,
- appraisement,
- appraising,
- appreciation,
- apprizal,
- approximation,
- assessing,
- assize,
- assizement,
- bill,
- blackmail,
- blood money,
- calculation,
- categorization,
- cess,
- classification,
- computation,
- conscience money,
- contribution,
- correction,
- determination,
- direct tax,
- dual pricing,
- duty,
- emolument,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- evaluating,
- evaluation,
- evaluative criticism,
- factoring,
- fee,
- footing,
- gauging,
- graduated taxation,
- grouping,
- hush money,
- identification,
- imposition,
- impost,
- indirect tax,
- initiation fee,
- instrumentation,
- joint return,
- judgment,
- levy,
- measure,
- measurement,
- measuring,
- mensuration,
- metric system,
- mileage,
- opinion,
- price determination,
- pricing,
- progressive tax,
- quantification,
- quantization,
- ranking,
- rating,
- reckoning,
- retainer,
- retaining fee,
- scot,
- separate returns,
- sifting,
- sifting out,
- single tax,
- sorting,
- sorting out,
- stipend,
- stock,
- supertax,
- surtax,
- survey,
- surveying,
- tariff,
- tax,
- tax base,
- tax dodging,
- tax evasion,
- tax exemption,
- tax return,
- tax structure,
- tax withholding,
- tax-exempt status,
- taxable income,
- taxation,
- telemetering,
- telemetry,
- tithe,
- toll,
- triangulation,
- tribute,
- unit pricing,
- valuation,
- valuing,
- view,
- weighing,
- winnowing,
- withholding tax