Exact Match:
- assumed
- accepted as real or true without proof; "an assumed increase in population"; "the assumed reason for his absence"; "assumptive beliefs"; "his loyalty was taken for granted"
- adopted in order to deceive; "an assumed name"; "an assumed cheerfulness"; "a fictitious address"; "fictive sympathy"; "a pretended interest"; "a put-on childish voice"; "sham modesty"
- taken as your right without justification; "was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity"; "Congress's arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states"
- accepted,
- accounted as,
- affected,
- alleged,
- apocryphal,
- artificial,
- assumptive,
- bastard,
- bogus,
- brummagem,
- chanced,
- colorable,
- colored,
- conjectured,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeited,
- deceptive,
- deemed,
- delusory,
- distorted,
- dressed up,
- dummy,
- embellished,
- embroidered,
- ersatz,
- expected,
- expropriated,
- factitious,
- fake,
- faked,
- false,
- falsified,
- feigned,
- fictitious,
- fictive,
- garbled,
- given,
- granted,
- hinted,
- hypocritical,
- hypothetical,
- illegitimate,
- illusory,
- imitation,
- implicated,
- implied,
- in hand,
- in process,
- in progress,
- in the works,
- indicated,
- inferred,
- insubstantial,
- intimated,
- involved,
- junky,
- made-up,
- make-believe,
- man-made,
- meant,
- mock,
- on the anvil,
- perverted,
- phony,
- pinchbeck,
- postulated,
- postulational,
- premised,
- presumed,
- presumptive,
- presupposed,
- pretended,
- pseudo,
- put on,
- put-on,
- putative,
- quasi,
- queer,
- reputed,
- seized,
- self-styled,
- sham,
- shoddy,
- simulated,
- so-called,
- soi-disant,
- spurious,
- suggested,
- supposed,
- suppositional,
- supposititious,
- suppositive,
- synthetic,
- taken,
- taken for granted,
- theoretical,
- tin,
- tinsel,
- titivated,
- twisted,
- unauthentic,
- under way,
- understood,
- undertaken,
- ungenuine,
- unnatural,
- unreal,
- warped