Exact Match:
- bed
- a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"
- a plot of ground in which plants are growing; "the gardener planted a bed of roses"
- a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track; "the track bed had washed away"
- the flat surface of a printing press on which the type form is laid in the last stage of producing a newspaper or magazine or book etc.
- a depression forming the ground under a body of water; "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed"
- (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock); "they found a bed of sandstone"
- put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"
- place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil
- furnish with a bed; "The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals"
- Colonial bed,
- Hollywood bed,
- Japanese garden,
- a world-without-end bargain,
- accommodation,
- accommodations,
- alliance,
- alpine garden,
- aqueduct,
- arboretum,
- arroyo,
- band,
- base,
- basement,
- basin,
- basis,
- bassinet,
- bearing wall,
- bed and board,
- bed down,
- bed in,
- bed on,
- bed-davenport,
- bedding,
- bedrock,
- bedstead,
- belly,
- belt,
- berth,
- billet,
- board,
- board and room,
- bog garden,
- bond of matrimony,
- border,
- botanical garden,
- bottom,
- bottom on,
- bottom side,
- break,
- breech,
- bridebed,
- bridle,
- broadcast,
- brush,
- build on,
- bunk,
- bunk bed,
- buttocks,
- camp bed,
- canal,
- channel,
- cohabitation,
- confirm,
- conjugal bond,
- conjugal knot,
- cot,
- couch,
- couche,
- coulee,
- course,
- coverture,
- cradle,
- creek bed,
- crib,
- culvert,
- curl up,
- curry,
- currycomb,
- cylinder press,
- day bed,
- deck,
- deep-dye,
- define,
- dibble,
- disseminate,
- domicile,
- domiciliate,
- donga,
- door bed,
- doss,
- double bed,
- double bunk,
- downside,
- drench,
- drill,
- dry bed,
- dry garden,
- duplex bed,
- embed,
- engraft,
- engrave,
- entrench,
- establish,
- etch,
- facilities,
- feather bed,
- feed,
- fix,
- flatbed cylinder press,
- floor,
- flooring,
- flop,
- flower bed,
- flower garden,
- flume,
- fodder,
- fold-away bed,
- fond,
- footing,
- forest,
- found,
- found on,
- foundation,
- four-poster,
- fundament,
- fundamental,
- gallery,
- garden,
- garden spot,
- gentle,
- go beddy-bye,
- go night-night,
- go to bed,
- go to rest,
- grape ranch,
- grapery,
- ground,
- ground on,
- grounds,
- groundwork,
- gulch,
- gully,
- gullyhole,
- gurney,
- hammock,
- handle,
- harbor,
- hardpan,
- harness,
- headrace,
- herbarium,
- hitch,
- holy matrimony,
- holy wedlock,
- hortus siccus,
- hospital bed,
- house,
- husbandhood,
- ill-assorted marriage,
- impact,
- implant,
- impress,
- imprint,
- infix,
- ingrain,
- inlay,
- inscribe,
- inseminate,
- inset,
- intermarriage,
- interracial marriage,
- irrigation ditch,
- jam,
- jardin,
- keep,
- king-size bed,
- kip,
- kitchen garden,
- layer,
- ledge,
- level,
- lie down,
- litter,
- lodge,
- lodgings,
- loll,
- lounge,
- lower berth,
- lower side,
- lowest layer,
- lowest level,
- makeready,
- manage,
- market garden,
- marriage,
- marriage bed,
- marriage sacrament,
- match,
- matrimonial union,
- matrimony,
- measures,
- mesalliance,
- milk,
- misalliance,
- miscegenation,
- mixed marriage,
- nestle,
- nether side,
- nethermost level,
- nullah,
- nuptial bond,
- ocean bottom,
- ornamental garden,
- overlayer,
- overstory,
- pack,
- pallet,
- panel bed,
- paradise,
- pavement,
- pile,
- pinetum,
- pipe berth,
- plant,
- platen,
- platen press,
- poster bed,
- pot,
- press,
- presswork,
- principle,
- print,
- printing machine,
- printing press,
- put in,
- put to bed,
- put up,
- quarter,
- quarter berth,
- queen-size bed,
- race,
- radical,
- recline,
- reforest,
- repose,
- reset,
- rest,
- retimber,
- retire,
- riprap,
- river bed,
- riverway,
- rock bottom,
- rock garden,
- roll in,
- roll-away bed,
- roof garden,
- room,
- root,
- rotary press,
- rotogravure press,
- rub down,
- rudiment,
- runnel,
- sacrament of matrimony,
- saddle,
- scatter seed,
- seam,
- seat,
- seed,
- seed down,
- seminate,
- set,
- set in,
- set on,
- settle,
- settle to rest,
- shelf,
- shelter,
- shrubbery,
- sill,
- single bed,
- sluice,
- snug down,
- sofa,
- sofa-bed,
- solid ground,
- solid rock,
- sow,
- sow broadcast,
- spillbox,
- spillway,
- spousehood,
- sprawl,
- stable,
- stage,
- stamp,
- step,
- stereobate,
- stereotype,
- story,
- stratum,
- stream bed,
- streamway,
- stretcher,
- stylobate,
- subsistence,
- substratum,
- substruction,
- substructure,
- sunken garden,
- superstratum,
- swash,
- swash channel,
- tailrace,
- take it easy,
- take life easy,
- tame,
- tea garden,
- tend,
- terra firma,
- tester bed,
- the hay,
- the sack,
- thickness,
- three-quarter bed,
- tier,
- topsoil,
- train,
- transplant,
- truck garden,
- truckle bed,
- trundle bed,
- tuck in,
- turn in,
- underbelly,
- underbuilding,
- undercarriage,
- undergird,
- undergirding,
- underlayer,
- underlie,
- underneath,
- underpinning,
- underside,
- understory,
- understratum,
- understruction,
- understructure,
- union,
- vegetable garden,
- victory garden,
- vinery,
- vineyard,
- wadi,
- water,
- water carrier,
- water channel,
- water furrow,
- water gap,
- water gate,
- watercourse,
- waterway,
- waterworks,
- web,
- web press,
- wedded bliss,
- wedded state,
- weddedness,
- wedding knot,
- wedge,
- wedlock,
- wifehood,
- yoke,
- zone