- a bit thick,
- a bit thin,
- absurd,
- bizarre,
- cockamamie,
- crazy,
- doubtable,
- doubtful,
- dubious,
- dubitable,
- extravagant,
- fantastic,
- foolish,
- grotesque,
- hard of belief,
- hard to believe,
- high-flown,
- implausible,
- inconceivable,
- incredible,
- laughable,
- ludicrous,
- monstrous,
- nonsensical,
- not deserving belief,
- open to doubt,
- open to suspicion,
- outrageous,
- outre,
- passing belief,
- poppycockish,
- preposterous,
- problematic,
- questionable,
- ridiculous,
- staggering belief,
- suspect,
- suspicious,
- tall,
- thick,
- thin,
- unbelievable,
- unconvincing,
- unearthly,
- ungodly,
- unimaginable,
- unthinkable,
- unworthy of belief,
- weird,
- wild