Exact Match:
- black hole
- a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field
- Beehive,
- Cepheid variable,
- Hertzsprung-Russell diagram,
- Hyades,
- Messier catalog,
- NGC,
- POW camp,
- Pleiades,
- Seven Sisters,
- absolute magnitude,
- bastille,
- binary star,
- borstal,
- borstal institution,
- bridewell,
- brig,
- cell,
- concentration camp,
- condemned cell,
- death cell,
- death house,
- death row,
- detention camp,
- double star,
- dwarf star,
- federal prison,
- fixed star,
- forced-labor camp,
- gaol,
- giant star,
- globular cluster,
- gravity star,
- guardhouse,
- house of correction,
- house of detention,
- industrial school,
- internment camp,
- jail,
- jailhouse,
- keep,
- labor camp,
- lockup,
- magnitude,
- main sequence star,
- mass-luminosity law,
- maximum-security prison,
- minimum-security prison,
- neutron star,
- nova,
- open cluster,
- oubliette,
- pen,
- penal colony,
- penal institution,
- penal settlement,
- penitentiary,
- populations,
- prison,
- prison camp,
- prisonhouse,
- pulsar,
- quasar,
- quasi-stellar radio source,
- radio star,
- red giant star,
- reform school,
- reformatory,
- relative magnitude,
- sky atlas,
- spectrum-luminosity diagram,
- sponging house,
- star,
- star catalog,
- star chart,
- star cloud,
- star cluster,
- state prison,
- stellar magnitude,
- stockade,
- supernova,
- the hole,
- tollbooth,
- training school,
- variable star,
- white dwarf star