a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
guess correctly; solve by guessing; "He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize"
put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation; "I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again"; "I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong"
deeply absorbed in thought; "as distant and bemused as a professor listening to the prattling of his freshman class"; "lost in thought"; "a preoccupied frown"
a plant that is native to a certain limited area; "it is an endemic found only this island"
a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species"
of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world"
not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy
controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control; "involuntary muscles"; "gave an involuntary start"