cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
indiscriminate slaughter; "a bloodbath took place when the leaders of the plot surrendered"; "ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name"; "the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder"; "a huge prison battue was ordered"
marked by excited activity; "a hot week on the stock market"
charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire"
having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity; "hot fuel rods"; "a hot laboratory"
of a seeker; very near to the object sought; "you are hot"
having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm; "hot for travel"
newly made; "a hot scent"
very good; often used in the negative; "he's hot at math but not so hot at history"
used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning; "hot stove"; "hot water"; "a hot August day"; "a hot stuffy room"; "she's hot and tired"; "a hot forehead"
extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm; "a hot temper"; "a hot topic"; "a hot new book"; "a hot love affair"; "a hot argument"
recently stolen or smuggled; "hot merchandise"; "a hot car"
having or bringing unusually good luck; "hot at craps"; "the dice are hot tonight"
newest or most recent; "news hot off the press"; "red-hot information"
very unpleasant or even dangerous; "make it hot for him"; "in the hot seat"; "in hot water"
very popular or successful; "one of the hot young talents"; "cabbage patch dolls were hot last season"
sexually excited or exciting; "was hot for her"; "hot pants"
performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy; "a hot drummer"; "he's hot tonight"
being very spicy; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot"
characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent"
any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant greyish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding
the highest of the four varnas: the priestly or sacerdotal category
a member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas; "originally all brahmans were priests"
a member of a social and cultural elite (especially a descendant of an old New England family); "a Boston Brahman"
possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles"
having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"
suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display"
high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture"
of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques"
containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods"