Exact Match:
- booming
- used of the voice
- very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids"
- balmy,
- birring,
- blooming,
- blossoming,
- bombilation,
- bombinating,
- bombination,
- boom,
- burring,
- buzzing,
- cannonade,
- cannonading,
- clear,
- deafening,
- droning,
- ear-piercing,
- ear-rending,
- ear-splitting,
- earthshaking,
- echo,
- echoic,
- echoing,
- exuberant,
- fair,
- fat,
- flourishing,
- flowering,
- forte,
- fortissimo,
- fruiting,
- full,
- fulminating,
- going strong,
- growl,
- growling,
- grumble,
- grumbling,
- halcyon,
- hum,
- humming,
- in full swing,
- in good case,
- lingering,
- loud,
- loud-sounding,
- loudish,
- low rumbling,
- palmy,
- peal,
- pealing,
- persistent,
- piercing,
- piping,
- plangent,
- prospering,
- prosperous,
- purring,
- reboant,
- reboation,
- rebound,
- rebounding,
- reecho,
- reechoing,
- repercussive,
- resound,
- resounding,
- reverberant,
- reverberating,
- reverberation,
- reverberatory,
- ringing,
- roar,
- roaring,
- robust,
- roll,
- rolling,
- rosy,
- rumble,
- rumbling,
- sleek,
- sonorous,
- sounding,
- stentoraphonic,
- stentorian,
- stentorious,
- thrifty,
- thriving,
- thrumming,
- thunder,
- thundering,
- thunderlike,
- thunderous,
- thundery,
- tonitruant,
- tonitruous,
- undamped,
- vigorous,
- volleying,
- whirring,
- whizzing,
- window-rattling