- affront,
- bear up,
- beard,
- bell the cat,
- bite the bullet,
- brave,
- brazen,
- come up fighting,
- confront,
- face,
- face down,
- face out,
- face the music,
- face up,
- face up to,
- front,
- hang in,
- hang in there,
- hang on,
- hang tough,
- hold fast,
- hold on,
- hold out,
- hold up,
- live through it,
- live with it,
- meet,
- meet boldly,
- meet head-on,
- never say die,
- not give up,
- outbrave,
- outbrazen,
- outdare,
- outface,
- outlook,
- outstare,
- run the gauntlet,
- set at defiance,
- speak out,
- speak up,
- stand up,
- stand up to,
- stare down,
- stay it out,
- stay the distance,
- stay with it,
- stick,
- stick it,
- stick it out,
- stick out,
- stick to it,
- stick with it,
- tough it out