Exact Match:
- breathe
- draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring"
- reach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked; "This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"
- manifest or evince; "She breathes the Christian spirit"
- utter or tell; "not breathe a word"
- impart as if by breathing; "He breathed new life into the old house"
- be alive; "Every creature that breathes"
- allow the passage of air through; "Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear"
- He,
- affect,
- air,
- alert,
- approve,
- argue,
- articulate,
- aspirate,
- attest,
- bark,
- bawl,
- be,
- be alive,
- be animate,
- be aromatic,
- be construed as,
- be extant,
- be found,
- be in existence,
- be met with,
- be present,
- be redolent of,
- be the case,
- be there,
- bellow,
- bespeak,
- besprinkle,
- betoken,
- blare,
- blat,
- blow,
- blubber,
- boom,
- brandish,
- bray,
- break,
- break it to,
- break the news,
- breathe hard,
- breathe in,
- breathe out,
- brew,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to notice,
- buzz,
- cackle,
- chant,
- chime,
- chirp,
- chorus,
- color,
- come out with,
- communicate,
- confide,
- confide to,
- connote,
- convey,
- coo,
- cough,
- crow,
- dangle,
- decoct,
- deliver,
- demonstrate,
- denote,
- develop,
- disclose,
- display,
- divulgate,
- divulge,
- dramatize,
- draw breath,
- draw in,
- drawl,
- dredge,
- dye,
- embody,
- emit,
- emit a smell,
- enact,
- entincture,
- entrust with information,
- enunciate,
- evidence,
- evince,
- evulgate,
- exclaim,
- exhale,
- exhaust,
- exhibit,
- exist,
- expel,
- expire,
- expose to view,
- express,
- fetch breath,
- flaunt,
- flavor,
- fling off,
- flourish,
- flute,
- formulate,
- furnish evidence,
- gasp,
- give,
- give confidential information,
- give expression,
- give indication of,
- give out,
- give out with,
- give sign,
- give token,
- give tongue,
- give utterance,
- give vent to,
- give voice,
- go to show,
- growl,
- grunt,
- gulp,
- hack,
- happen to be,
- have being,
- have life,
- have place,
- hiccup,
- highlight,
- hint at,
- hiss,
- hold,
- huff,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- imbrue,
- imbue,
- impart,
- imply,
- import,
- impregnate,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- infiltrate,
- infuse,
- inhale,
- inspire,
- instill,
- involve,
- keen,
- knock off,
- lay off,
- leaven,
- let get around,
- let in on,
- let next to,
- let out,
- lie by,
- lilt,
- lip,
- live,
- live and breathe,
- maffle,
- make clear,
- make known,
- make plain,
- manifest,
- mark,
- materialize,
- mean,
- mention privately,
- move,
- mumble,
- murmur,
- mussitate,
- mutter,
- nose,
- obtain,
- occur,
- out with,
- pant,
- parade,
- pause,
- penetrate,
- perform,
- permeate,
- pervade,
- phonate,
- phrase,
- pipe,
- point to,
- pour forth,
- present,
- prevail,
- produce,
- pronounce,
- publish,
- puff,
- put forth,
- put hep,
- put in words,
- put next to,
- raise,
- recess,
- reek,
- refer to,
- represent,
- respire,
- reveal,
- roar,
- roll out,
- rumble,
- saturate,
- say,
- scent,
- scream,
- screech,
- season,
- set forth,
- show,
- show forth,
- show signs of,
- shriek,
- sibilate,
- sigh,
- signalize,
- signify,
- sing,
- slurp,
- smell,
- smell of,
- snap,
- snarl,
- sneeze,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snore,
- snort,
- snuff,
- snuff in,
- snuffle,
- sob,
- sound,
- speak,
- speak for itself,
- speak volumes,
- spell,
- spotlight,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- stand,
- stand for,
- steep,
- stink,
- stop for breath,
- subsist,
- suck,
- suck in,
- suckle,
- suffuse,
- suggest,
- susurrate,
- symbolize,
- symptomatize,
- take a break,
- take a recess,
- take a rest,
- take aside,
- take five,
- take ten,
- take time out,
- tell,
- tell confidentially,
- temper,
- tend to show,
- throw off,
- thunder,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tip,
- tip off,
- token,
- transfuse,
- trot out,
- trumpet,
- twang,
- unfold,
- utter,
- vent,
- ventilate,
- verbalize,
- vocalize,
- voice,
- wail,
- walk the earth,
- warble,
- wave,
- wheeze,
- whiff,
- whine,
- whisper,
- word,
- yap,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp,
- yield an odor