possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles"
having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"
suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display"
high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture"
of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques"
containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods"
being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be"
pleasant in manner or behavior; "I didn`t enjoy it and probably wasn't a pleasant person to be around"
affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings; "a pleasant person to be around"; "we had a pleasant evening together"; "a pleasant scene"; "pleasant sensations"