Exact Match:
- care
- activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care"
- the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention"
- attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard"
- a cause for feeling concern; "his major care was the illness of his wife"
- feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I don't care"
- provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded"
- TLC,
- abetment,
- accordance,
- accountability,
- acquittal,
- acquittance,
- adherence,
- administration,
- adverse circumstances,
- adversity,
- advertence,
- advertency,
- advocacy,
- aegis,
- affliction,
- agency,
- agentship,
- aggravation,
- agitation,
- agony,
- alarm,
- alertness,
- all-overs,
- angst,
- anguish,
- annoyance,
- anticipation,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxiousness,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- assiduity,
- assiduousness,
- assignment,
- attend to,
- attention,
- attention span,
- attentiveness,
- auspices,
- austerity,
- austerity program,
- authority,
- authorization,
- awareness,
- backing,
- be affected,
- be concerned,
- be fond of,
- be in tune,
- be inspired,
- be involved,
- be moved,
- be responsible for,
- bitter cup,
- bitter draft,
- bitter draught,
- bitter pill,
- blight,
- bossing,
- bread,
- brevet,
- bummer,
- burden,
- burden of care,
- calculation,
- cankerworm of care,
- canniness,
- care about,
- care for,
- careful consideration,
- carefulness,
- carking care,
- carrying out,
- catch the flame,
- catch the infection,
- caution,
- cautiousness,
- championship,
- change color,
- charge,
- chariness,
- charity,
- circumspection,
- circumspectness,
- color with emotion,
- commission,
- commissioning,
- commitment,
- compliance,
- concentration,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conduct,
- conformance,
- conformity,
- consciousness,
- consider,
- consideration,
- consignment,
- consternation,
- control,
- countenance,
- cross,
- crown of thorns,
- cure,
- curiosity,
- curse,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- daily bread,
- delegated authority,
- delegation,
- deliberate stages,
- deliberateness,
- deliberation,
- deputation,
- devolution,
- devolvement,
- difficulties,
- difficulty,
- dig,
- diligence,
- direction,
- discharge,
- discretion,
- dismay,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- distress,
- disturbance,
- dole,
- dolor,
- downer,
- dread,
- ear,
- earnestness,
- echo,
- economic planning,
- economic support,
- economicalness,
- economy,
- economy of means,
- effort,
- embassy,
- empathize with,
- empowerment,
- encouragement,
- encumbrance,
- endowment,
- enthusiasm,
- entrusting,
- entrustment,
- errand,
- execution,
- executorship,
- exequatur,
- exertion,
- eye,
- factorship,
- false economy,
- fancy,
- favor,
- fear,
- foreboding,
- forebodingness,
- forehandedness,
- forethought,
- fosterage,
- fret,
- frugality,
- frugalness,
- fulfillment,
- full power,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- gingerliness,
- good management,
- goodwill,
- governance,
- government,
- grief,
- grievance,
- guardedness,
- guardianship,
- guarding,
- guidance,
- handling,
- hands,
- hard knocks,
- hard life,
- hard lot,
- hardcase,
- hardship,
- heartache,
- heartbreak,
- heartfelt grief,
- heartgrief,
- hedge,
- hedging,
- heed,
- heedfulness,
- heeding,
- hesitation,
- hold,
- husbandry,
- identify with,
- infliction,
- inquietude,
- intendance,
- intentiveness,
- intentness,
- interest,
- irritation,
- judiciousness,
- jurisdiction,
- keep,
- keeping,
- lamentation,
- languishment,
- legation,
- license,
- lieutenancy,
- like,
- livelihood,
- living,
- load,
- look after,
- love,
- loving care,
- maintenance,
- malaise,
- management,
- manna,
- means of dealing,
- meat,
- meticulousness,
- mind,
- mindfulness,
- ministry,
- misery,
- misgiving,
- mission,
- mothering,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- nervousness,
- note,
- notice,
- nourishment,
- nurse,
- nurture,
- observance,
- observation,
- office,
- oppression,
- overanxiety,
- oversight,
- pack of troubles,
- pains,
- parsimoniousness,
- parsimony,
- pastorage,
- pastorate,
- pastorship,
- patronage,
- pawkiness,
- pay attention,
- peck of troubles,
- performance,
- perturbation,
- pining,
- pins and needles,
- plenipotentiary power,
- plight,
- power of attorney,
- power to act,
- practice,
- predicament,
- preparedness,
- pressure,
- preventive custody,
- price support,
- prior consultation,
- procuration,
- prostration,
- protect,
- protection,
- protective custody,
- protectorship,
- provide for,
- providence,
- provision,
- proxy,
- prudence,
- prudential administration,
- prudentialness,
- pucker,
- punctiliousness,
- purview,
- react,
- reck,
- regard,
- regardfulness,
- regency,
- regentship,
- regret,
- relate to emotionally,
- remark,
- respect,
- respond,
- responsibility,
- rigor,
- rue,
- running,
- sadness,
- safe hands,
- safekeeping,
- safeness,
- safety first,
- satisfaction,
- sea of troubles,
- seconding,
- share,
- slowness to act,
- solicitude,
- sorrow,
- sorrowing,
- sparingness,
- sponsorship,
- stew,
- stewardship,
- strain,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- subsistence,
- subvention,
- suffering,
- superintendence,
- superintendency,
- supervision,
- support,
- surveillance,
- suspense,
- sustainment,
- sustenance,
- sustentation,
- sympathize with,
- sympathy,
- take an interest,
- take care of,
- take charge of,
- task,
- tend,
- tender loving care,
- tension,
- tentativeness,
- think,
- thorn,
- thoroughness,
- thought,
- thoughtfulness,
- thrift,
- thriftiness,
- tight purse strings,
- treatment,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- trouble,
- troubles,
- trust,
- trusteeship,
- tutelage,
- uncommunicativeness,
- unease,
- uneasiness,
- unprecipitateness,
- unquietness,
- unwastefulness,
- upkeep,
- upset,
- usage,
- vale of tears,
- vexation,
- vicarious authority,
- vicissitude,
- vigilance,
- ward,
- wardenship,
- wardship,
- warrant,
- watch and ward,
- watch over,
- watchfulness,
- waters of bitterness,
- weight,
- wing,
- woe,
- worry,
- zeal