Exact Match:
- catharsis
- (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
- purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels
- BM,
- abreaction,
- abstersion,
- acting-out,
- bloody flux,
- bowdlerization,
- bowel movement,
- cleaning,
- cleansing,
- crap,
- defecation,
- dejection,
- deliverance,
- detersion,
- diarrhea,
- discharge,
- dry cleaning,
- dysentery,
- emotional release,
- evacuation,
- expurgation,
- flux,
- freeing,
- intermission,
- lientery,
- loose bowels,
- lustration,
- motor abreaction,
- movement,
- outlet,
- psychocatharsis,
- psychodrama,
- purgation,
- purge,
- purging,
- purification,
- release,
- release therapy,
- removal,
- reprieve,
- respite,
- runs,
- shit,
- shits,
- steam cleaning,
- stool,
- surcease,
- suspension,
- trots,
- turistas,
- voidance