Exact Match:
- churlish
- having a bad disposition; surly; "churlish as a bear"- Shakespeare
- rude and boorish
- abrupt,
- aggressive,
- bearish,
- beastly,
- bitchy,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- boorish,
- brash,
- brusque,
- cankered,
- cantankerous,
- carlish,
- cavalier,
- cloddish,
- clodhopping,
- clownish,
- coarse,
- countrified,
- country-born,
- country-bred,
- crabbed,
- cranky,
- cross,
- cross-grained,
- crude,
- crusty,
- curt,
- cussed,
- disagreeable,
- discourteous,
- dour,
- excitable,
- farmerish,
- feisty,
- fractious,
- from the sticks,
- gruff,
- harsh,
- hayseed,
- hick,
- hicky,
- hobnailed,
- hooliganish,
- huffish,
- huffy,
- inurbane,
- irascible,
- irritable,
- loobyish,
- loutish,
- lowbred,
- lubberly,
- lumpen,
- lumpish,
- mean,
- naive,
- ornery,
- perverse,
- raffish,
- rough,
- roughneck,
- rowdy,
- rowdyish,
- rube,
- ruffianly,
- severe,
- sharp,
- short,
- snappish,
- snippy,
- spiteful,
- spleeny,
- splenetic,
- surly,
- testy,
- truculent,
- ugly,
- uncivilized,
- uncouth,
- uncultivated,
- uncultured,
- unpolished,
- unrefined,
- unschooled,
- up-country,
- waspish,
- yokel,
- yokelish