a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"
(music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus"
the level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified
denoting confidence or intimacy; "a confidential approach"; "in confidential tone of voice"
(of information) given in confidence or in secret; "this arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret communications"
entrusted with private information and the confidence of another; "a confidential secretary"
in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned"
conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
investigate scientifically; "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese"