Exact Match:
- coincidence
- the quality of occupying the same position or area in space; "he waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs"
- an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental
- accident,
- accompaniment,
- accord,
- accordance,
- affinity,
- agreement,
- alliance,
- assent,
- association,
- cahoots,
- chance,
- chorus,
- co-occurrence,
- co-working,
- coaction,
- coequality,
- coetaneity,
- coetaneousness,
- coevality,
- coevalneity,
- coevalness,
- coexistence,
- coextension,
- coherence,
- collaboration,
- collectivity,
- collusion,
- combination,
- combined effort,
- compatibility,
- concert,
- concerted action,
- concomitance,
- concomitancy,
- concord,
- concordance,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- confluence,
- conformance,
- conformation,
- conformity,
- congeniality,
- congruence,
- congruency,
- congruity,
- conjunction,
- consilience,
- consistency,
- consonance,
- consort,
- conspiracy,
- contemporaneity,
- contemporaneousness,
- cooperation,
- correspondence,
- equality,
- equivalence,
- fluke,
- fortuitousness,
- fortuity,
- happenstance,
- harmony,
- homogeneity,
- homoousia,
- identity,
- indistinguishability,
- intersection,
- isochronism,
- junction,
- luck,
- matching,
- no difference,
- oneness,
- overlap,
- parallelism,
- parasitism,
- peace,
- rapport,
- sameness,
- saprophytism,
- self-consistency,
- self-identity,
- selfhood,
- selfness,
- selfsameness,
- simultaneity,
- symbiosis,
- symmetry,
- sync,
- synchronism,
- synchronization,
- synergy,
- synonymity,
- synonymousness,
- synonymy,
- tally,
- timing,
- togetherness,
- uniformity,
- union,
- unison,
- unisonance,
- united action,
- unity,
- withness