Exact Match:
- coloring
- the act or process of changing the color of something
- a digestible substance used to give color to food; "food color made from vegetable dyes"
- Klangfarbe,
- abstractionism,
- achromatism,
- acrylic painting,
- acting,
- affectation,
- affective meaning,
- appearance,
- attitudinizing,
- bearing,
- bloom,
- bluff,
- bluffing,
- blush,
- blushing,
- cast,
- cheating,
- chromatic,
- chromatism,
- chromism,
- chromogen,
- clang color,
- coat,
- coat of paint,
- coating,
- cold,
- color,
- color balance,
- color filter,
- color gelatin,
- color harmony,
- color printing,
- color scheme,
- colorant,
- coloration,
- colorific,
- coloring,
- complexion,
- confabulation,
- connotation,
- consequence,
- cool,
- crimsoning,
- dead-color,
- deception,
- decorator color,
- deformation,
- delusion,
- denotation,
- dichromatic,
- disguise,
- dissemblance,
- dissembling,
- dissimulation,
- distemper,
- distortion,
- drier,
- drift,
- dye,
- dyeing,
- dyestuff,
- effect,
- embellishment,
- emblazonry,
- encaustic cerography,
- encaustic painting,
- equivocation,
- erubescent,
- essence,
- exaggeration,
- expressionism,
- extension,
- exterior paint,
- facade,
- face,
- fakery,
- faking,
- false air,
- false coloring,
- false front,
- false show,
- false swearing,
- falsification,
- falsifying,
- falsity,
- feigning,
- feint,
- finger painting,
- flat coat,
- flat wash,
- floor enamel,
- flower painting,
- flush,
- flushing,
- force,
- four-flushing,
- fraud,
- fresco painting,
- front,
- garbling,
- genre painting,
- gilt,
- gist,
- gloss,
- glow,
- glowing,
- gouache,
- grammatical meaning,
- grisaille,
- ground,
- guise,
- harmonious,
- hectic,
- hectic flush,
- hue,
- humbug,
- humbuggery,
- hyperbole,
- idea,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- impact,
- impasto,
- implication,
- import,
- imposture,
- inaccuracy,
- injustice,
- intension,
- interior paint,
- key,
- lexical meaning,
- literal meaning,
- lithography,
- litotes,
- mantling,
- many-colored,
- masquerade,
- matching,
- meaning,
- medium,
- medley,
- meretriciousness,
- miscoloring,
- misconstruction,
- misdrawing,
- mispainting,
- misquotation,
- misreport,
- misrepresentation,
- misstatement,
- misteaching,
- monochromatic,
- monochrome,
- monochromic,
- motley,
- mural painting,
- natural color,
- nonrealism,
- oil painting,
- opaque color,
- ostentation,
- outward show,
- overdrawing,
- overstatement,
- overtone,
- paint,
- painting,
- pallor,
- parti-colored,
- perjury,
- pertinence,
- perversion,
- picturization,
- pigment,
- pigmentary,
- pigmentation,
- pith,
- playacting,
- point,
- polychromatic,
- portraiture,
- pose,
- posing,
- poster painting,
- posture,
- practical consequence,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- pretext,
- prevarication,
- prime coat,
- primer,
- priming,
- prismatic,
- pudency,
- pudicity,
- purport,
- put-on,
- rainbow,
- range of meaning,
- real meaning,
- reddening,
- reference,
- referent,
- relation,
- relevance,
- representation,
- rubefacient,
- rubescence,
- rubescent,
- rubificative,
- rufescence,
- scope,
- seeming,
- semantic cluster,
- semantic field,
- semblance,
- sense,
- shade,
- sham,
- show,
- significance,
- signification,
- significatum,
- signifie,
- simulacrum,
- simulation,
- skin color,
- slanting,
- span of meaning,
- speciousness,
- spectral,
- spirit,
- stain,
- staining,
- straining,
- structural meaning,
- substance,
- suffusion,
- sum,
- sum and substance,
- symbolic meaning,
- tempera,
- tenor,
- the brush,
- thinner,
- timbre,
- tinct,
- tinction,
- tinctorial,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tingent,
- tinging,
- tint,
- tinting,
- tonality,
- tone,
- tone color,
- tone quality,
- toning,
- totality of associations,
- transferred meaning,
- transparent color,
- turpentine,
- turps,
- twisting,
- unadorned meaning,
- undercoat,
- undercoating,
- undercolor,
- understatement,
- undertone,
- value,
- variegated,
- varnish,
- vehicle,
- warm,
- wash,
- wash coat,
- wash drawing,
- window dressing