- Cockney,
- Everyman,
- John Doe,
- John Smith,
- Public,
- a nobody,
- a nothing,
- average,
- average man,
- body politic,
- bourgeois,
- cipher,
- citizenry,
- common run,
- commoner,
- commonwealth,
- community,
- community at large,
- dummy,
- estate,
- everybody,
- everyman,
- everyone,
- everywoman,
- figurehead,
- folk,
- folks,
- general public,
- generality,
- gentry,
- girl next door,
- homme moyen sensuel,
- insignificancy,
- jackstraw,
- lightweight,
- little fellow,
- little guy,
- little man,
- man of straw,
- mediocrity,
- men,
- nation,
- nationality,
- nebbish,
- nobody one knows,
- nonentity,
- obscurity,
- ordinary Joe,
- ordinary run,
- people,
- people in general,
- persons,
- pip-squeak,
- pleb,
- plebeian,
- polity,
- populace,
- population,
- proletarian,
- public,
- punk,
- roturier,
- ruck,
- run,
- runt,
- scrub,
- shrimp,
- small fry,
- small potato,
- small potatoes,
- society,
- squirt,
- squit,
- state,
- whiffet,
- whippersnapper,
- world,
- you and me