Exact Match:
- complex
- a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts; "the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town"
- (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behavior
- a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated
- complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts; "a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody"; "a complex mass of diverse laws and customs"
- Byzantine,
- Chinese puzzle,
- Diana complex,
- Electra complex,
- Gordian knot,
- Herculean,
- Oedipus complex,
- Rube Goldberg contraption,
- abstruse,
- acculturation,
- amalgamated,
- ambiguous,
- ambivalent,
- amphibious,
- arduous,
- baffling,
- balled up,
- bewildering,
- beyond one,
- blended,
- brutal,
- can of worms,
- castration complex,
- civilization,
- collectivity,
- combined,
- complicated,
- composite,
- compound,
- compounded,
- compulsion,
- confounded,
- confounding,
- confused,
- confusing,
- conglomerate,
- convoluted,
- crabbed,
- cramp,
- critical,
- cultural drift,
- culture,
- culture area,
- culture center,
- culture complex,
- culture conflict,
- culture contact,
- culture pattern,
- culture trait,
- daedal,
- dappled,
- delicate,
- demanding,
- devious,
- difficile,
- difficult,
- distracting,
- disturbing,
- eclectic,
- elaborate,
- embodiment,
- embrangled,
- entangled,
- entirety,
- equivocal,
- ethos,
- exacting,
- fascination,
- father complex,
- fifty-fifty,
- fixation,
- fixed idea,
- folkways,
- formidable,
- fouled up,
- garbled,
- gordian,
- hairy,
- half-and-half,
- hang-up,
- hard,
- hard to understand,
- hard-earned,
- hard-fought,
- heterogeneous,
- hypercathexis,
- idee fixe,
- implicated,
- indiscriminate,
- inferiority complex,
- integer,
- integration,
- integrity,
- intricate,
- involute,
- involuted,
- involved,
- ironic,
- irresistible impulse,
- jawbreaking,
- jumbled,
- jungle,
- key trait,
- knot,
- knotted,
- knotty,
- laborious,
- labyrinth,
- labyrinthian,
- labyrinthine,
- loused up,
- many-faceted,
- many-sided,
- matted,
- maze,
- mazy,
- mean,
- meander,
- meandering,
- medley,
- mesh,
- mess,
- messed up,
- mingled,
- miscellaneous,
- mixed,
- mixed up,
- mixed-up,
- monomania,
- morbid drive,
- mores,
- mother complex,
- motley,
- mucked up,
- multifaceted,
- multifarious,
- multinational,
- multiracial,
- mysterious,
- mystifying,
- no picnic,
- not easy,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- obsession,
- obsessive compulsion,
- oneness,
- operose,
- organic unity,
- overtechnical,
- parent complex,
- patchy,
- perplex,
- perplexed,
- perplexing,
- persecution complex,
- pluralistic,
- possession,
- preoccupation,
- prepossession,
- promiscuous,
- puzzling,
- ramified,
- ravel,
- reticular,
- rigorous,
- rough,
- roundabout,
- rugged,
- ruling passion,
- scrambled,
- screwed up,
- set with thorns,
- severe,
- snafu,
- snake pit,
- snarl,
- snarled,
- society,
- sophisticated,
- spiny,
- steep,
- strenuous,
- subtle,
- superiority complex,
- syncretic,
- tangle,
- tangled,
- tangled skein,
- tangly,
- thorny,
- thrown together,
- tic,
- ticklish,
- toilsome,
- totality,
- tough,
- trait,
- trait-complex,
- tricky,
- twisted,
- unity,
- uphill,
- vague,
- varied,
- webwork,
- wheels within wheels,
- whole,
- wicked,
- wilderness