Exact Match:
- conquest
- success in mastering something difficult; "the conquest of space"
- the act of conquering
- Cadmean victory,
- KO,
- Pyrrhic victory,
- Waterloo,
- adoption,
- appropriation,
- arrogation,
- ascendancy,
- assumption,
- beating,
- captive,
- catch,
- championship,
- collapse,
- colonization,
- conquering,
- coquette,
- crash,
- date,
- deathblow,
- debacle,
- defeat,
- defeating,
- destruction,
- domination,
- downfall,
- drubbing,
- easy victory,
- enslavement,
- failure,
- fall,
- flirt,
- grand slam,
- hiding,
- honey,
- indent,
- knockout,
- lambasting,
- landslide,
- landslide victory,
- lathering,
- licking,
- mastery,
- moral victory,
- occupation,
- overcoming,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- picnic,
- preemption,
- preoccupation,
- prepossession,
- pushover,
- quietus,
- requisition,
- rout,
- routing,
- ruin,
- runaway victory,
- smash,
- steady,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- subjection,
- subjugation,
- success,
- sweet patootie,
- sweetheart,
- sweetie,
- takeover,
- taking over,
- thrashing,
- total victory,
- trimming,
- triumph,
- trouncing,
- undoing,
- usurpation,
- vamp,
- vampire,
- vanquishment,
- victory,
- walkaway,
- walkover,
- whipping,
- win,
- winning,
- winning streak