a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard; "his deference to her wishes was very flattering"; "be sure to give my respects to the dean"
courteous regard for people's feelings; "in deference to your wishes"; "out of respect for his privacy"
the remission by the pope of the temporal punishment in purgatory that is still due for sins even after absolution; "in the Middle Ages the unrestricted sale of indulgences by pardoners became a widespread abuse"
the act of indulging or gratifying a desire
a disposition to yield to the wishes of someone; "too much indulgence spoils a child"
an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires
a courteous act indicating affection; "she tried to win his heart with her many attentions"
a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review; "the troops stood at attention"
the faculty or power of mental concentration; "keeping track of all the details requires your complete attention"
the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
a general interest that leads people to want to know more; "She was the center of attention"
the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences; "a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity"; "the sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth"
(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation; "sensitivity to pain"
sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
a tendency to express warm and affectionate feeling
warm compassionate feelings
a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched); "the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness"; "after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on"