Exact Match:
- continence
- the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters
- voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge
- Encratism,
- Friday,
- Lenten fare,
- Platonic love,
- Pythagoreanism,
- Pythagorism,
- Rechabitism,
- Shakerism,
- Spartan fare,
- Stoicism,
- abnegation,
- abstainment,
- abstemiousness,
- abstention,
- abstinence,
- asceticism,
- avoidance,
- bachelordom,
- bachelorhood,
- bachelorism,
- bachelorship,
- banyan day,
- boundary,
- bounds,
- calm,
- calmness,
- celibacy,
- chasteness,
- chastity,
- confinement,
- conservatism,
- constraint,
- continency,
- control,
- cool,
- discipline,
- dispassion,
- eschewal,
- evenness,
- fast,
- fish day,
- fruitarianism,
- gentleness,
- golden mean,
- gymnosophy,
- happy medium,
- impartiality,
- intactness,
- judiciousness,
- juste-milieu,
- lenity,
- limit,
- limitation,
- maidenhead,
- maidenhood,
- meden agan,
- middle way,
- mildness,
- misogamy,
- misogyny,
- moderateness,
- moderation,
- moderationism,
- monachism,
- monasticism,
- nephalism,
- neutrality,
- nonviolence,
- nothing in excess,
- pacifism,
- plain living,
- prescription,
- proscription,
- prudence,
- purity,
- qualification,
- refraining,
- refrainment,
- repose,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restriction,
- self-abnegation,
- self-control,
- self-denial,
- self-restraint,
- serenity,
- sexual abstinence,
- simple diet,
- single blessedness,
- single state,
- singleness,
- sobriety,
- spare diet,
- spinsterhood,
- stability,
- steadiness,
- teetotalism,
- temperance,
- temperateness,
- the pledge,
- total abstinence,
- tranquillity,
- unexcessiveness,
- unextravagance,
- unextremeness,
- unwed state,
- vegetarianism,
- via media,
- virgin state,
- virginity