Exact Match:
- continuing
- remaining in force or being carried on without letup; "the act provided a continuing annual appropriation"; "the continuing struggle to put food on the table"
- abiding,
- age-long,
- aged,
- ancient,
- antique,
- articulated,
- assiduous,
- catenated,
- ceaseless,
- changeless,
- chronic,
- concatenated,
- connected,
- constant,
- continual,
- continued,
- continuous,
- cyclical,
- diligent,
- direct,
- diuturnal,
- dogged,
- durable,
- endless,
- enduring,
- evergreen,
- faithful,
- featureless,
- firm,
- fixed,
- frozen,
- gapless,
- hardy,
- immediate,
- immobile,
- immutable,
- inalterable,
- incessant,
- indefatigable,
- indomitable,
- industrious,
- insistent,
- intact,
- interminable,
- intransient,
- inveterate,
- invincible,
- inviolate,
- joined,
- jointless,
- lasting,
- lifelong,
- linked,
- long-lasting,
- long-lived,
- long-standing,
- long-term,
- longeval,
- longevous,
- loyal,
- macrobiotic,
- monotonous,
- never-ending,
- never-tiring,
- nonstop,
- obstinate,
- of long duration,
- of long standing,
- old,
- patient,
- patient as Job,
- perdurable,
- perduring,
- perennial,
- periodic,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- perseverant,
- persevering,
- persistent,
- persisting,
- pertinacious,
- plodding,
- plugging,
- preoccupied,
- quiescent,
- rapt,
- recurrent,
- relentless,
- remaining,
- repetitive,
- resolute,
- rigid,
- round-the-clock,
- running,
- seamless,
- sedulous,
- sempervirent,
- serried,
- single-minded,
- sleepless,
- slogging,
- smooth,
- solid,
- stable,
- static,
- stationary,
- staying,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- sticking,
- straight,
- stubborn,
- sustained,
- tenacious,
- tireless,
- torpid,
- tough,
- twenty-four-hour,
- unabating,
- unaltered,
- unbroken,
- unceasing,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- unchecked,
- unconquerable,
- undaunted,
- undestroyed,
- undifferentiated,
- undiscouraged,
- undrooping,
- undying,
- unending,
- unfading,
- unfailing,
- unfaltering,
- unflagging,
- unflinching,
- uniform,
- unintermitted,
- unintermittent,
- unintermitting,
- uninterrupted,
- unnodding,
- unrelaxing,
- unrelenting,
- unrelieved,
- unremitting,
- unshifting,
- unsleeping,
- unstopped,
- unswerving,
- untiring,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- unwavering,
- unwearied,
- unwearying,
- unwinking,
- utterly attentive,
- vital,
- weariless