Exact Match:
- contradict
- deny the truth of
- be in contradiction with
- abjure,
- abrogate,
- agree to disagree,
- annul,
- answer,
- answer conclusively,
- antagonize,
- argue down,
- assert the contrary,
- be antipathetic,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be contrary to,
- be inimical,
- be opposed to,
- beat against,
- belie,
- break,
- break off,
- brush aside,
- call into question,
- challenge,
- chuck,
- chuck out,
- clash,
- collide,
- conflict,
- conflict with,
- confound,
- confute,
- contemn,
- contest,
- contrapose,
- contrast with,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- counter,
- counteract,
- counterattack,
- counterbalance,
- countercheck,
- counterpoise,
- counterpose,
- countervail,
- counterwork,
- cross,
- crush,
- decline,
- defeat,
- demolish,
- deny,
- despise,
- differ,
- disaccord,
- disaffirm,
- disagree,
- disallow,
- disapprove,
- disavow,
- discard,
- disclaim,
- discount,
- disdain,
- dismiss,
- disown,
- dispose of,
- disprove,
- dispute,
- disregard,
- dissent,
- except,
- exclude,
- falsify,
- finish,
- floor,
- forbid,
- forswear,
- gainsay,
- garble,
- go against,
- go counter to,
- ignore,
- impugn,
- interfere with,
- jangle,
- jar,
- join issue upon,
- jostle,
- juxtapose in opposition,
- lock horns,
- meet head-on,
- militate against,
- mismatch,
- mismate,
- negate,
- negative,
- nonplus,
- not accept,
- not admit,
- nullify,
- object,
- offset,
- oppose,
- oppugn,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- overwhelm,
- parry,
- pass by,
- pass up,
- play at cross-purposes,
- push aside,
- put to silence,
- rebuff,
- rebut,
- recant,
- reduce to silence,
- refuse,
- refuse to admit,
- refuse to consider,
- refute,
- reject,
- renounce,
- repel,
- repudiate,
- repulse,
- resist,
- retract,
- reverse,
- revoke,
- run against,
- run counter to,
- scout,
- set off,
- settle,
- shove away,
- shut up,
- silence,
- smash all opposition,
- spurn,
- squash,
- squelch,
- subvert,
- swim upstream,
- take back,
- take issue with,
- throw away,
- throw out,
- traverse,
- turn away,
- turn out,
- undermine,
- upset,
- vary,
- waive,
- work against