Exact Match:
- contribution
- any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor; "I am proud of my contribution to the team's success"; "they all did their share of the work"
- act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity
- a writing for publication especially one of a collection of writings as an article or story
- an amount of money contributed; "he expected his contribution to be repaid with interest"
- a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause
- accommodation,
- accordance,
- alms,
- alms fee,
- assessment,
- association,
- award,
- awarding,
- benefaction,
- beneficence,
- bestowal,
- bestowment,
- blackmail,
- call,
- call for,
- cess,
- chanty,
- charity,
- claim,
- cochairmanship,
- collection,
- communication,
- complicity,
- concession,
- condominium,
- conferment,
- conferral,
- conscience money,
- copartnership,
- copartnery,
- cotenancy,
- deliverance,
- delivery,
- demand,
- demand for,
- direct tax,
- dole,
- donation,
- donative,
- draft,
- drain,
- duty,
- endowment,
- engagement,
- exaction,
- extortion,
- extortionate demand,
- furnishment,
- gifting,
- giving,
- graduated taxation,
- grant,
- granting,
- handout,
- having a part,
- heavy demand,
- impartation,
- impartment,
- imposition,
- impost,
- indent,
- indirect tax,
- insistent demand,
- investiture,
- involvement,
- joint chairmanship,
- joint control,
- joint ownership,
- joint return,
- joint tenancy,
- levy,
- liberality,
- nonnegotiable demand,
- notice,
- offer,
- offering,
- offertory,
- order,
- partaking,
- participation,
- partnership,
- pittance,
- presentation,
- presentment,
- progressive tax,
- provision,
- requirement,
- requisition,
- rush,
- rush order,
- separate returns,
- sharing,
- single tax,
- subscription,
- suffrage,
- supertax,
- supplying,
- surrender,
- surtax,
- tax,
- tax base,
- tax dodging,
- tax evasion,
- tax exemption,
- tax return,
- tax structure,
- tax withholding,
- tax-exempt status,
- taxable income,
- taxation,
- taxing,
- tithe,
- toll,
- tribute,
- ultimatum,
- voting,
- votive offering,
- vouchsafement,
- warning,
- withholding tax